Chance me for ED Engineering?

Hello all,
I was wondering if anyone could chance my possibility for the Engineering program at tech. It has been my top choice school for quite a while now and I am curious as to how competitive I am!

Location: NOVA
Legacy: Grandfather
GPA (Weighted): 4.22
ACT Composite: 33; Math:35, English:35
Sophomore APs: World History (5)
Junior APs: Micro/Macroeconomics (5/4), Lang (4), U.S. History (5), Latin (3)
Senior APs: BC Calculus, Physics C, Literature, Government
Other Classes: Engineering math course senior year, honors physics junior year

I won my school’s science fair my sophomore year for a chemistry project, won an award for most outstanding social studies student at my school sophomore year, and won the Daughters of the American Revolution Award for Excellence in U.S. History Junior year.

I am currently an officer for my school’s Latin Honor Society and Tri-M Music Honor Society. I am also a section leader in my marching band and concert band. I have about 120 hours of service.

That is a short summary of my academic record. Thank you in advance for any input anyone can give!