Chance me for ED Human Ecology

Hi, I will be applying to the College of Human Ecology ED this fall. I would like to major in Human Development with a concentration in Law, Psychology, and Human Development.

I have a 99.1 unweighted GPA, all AP and Dual Enrollment. I am either going to be the Valedictorian or Salutatorian of my class. I have a 36 on my ACT, which I will submit. Honors include likely NMSF(I’m in NY with a selection index of 226), a state senator youth leadership award, a HOBY award finalist.


  1. Peer Advocate in legally binding peer diversion court
  2. Executive Board of Gender Equality Movement at school
  3. Student Teacher in Religious School
  4. Active Member GSA
  5. Three honor societies
  6. Peer Mentor for at risk underclassman
  7. Peer Tutor for struggling math and science students.
  8. Coordinator of Food Drives

I have more, but these are the ones that mean the most to me.

Work experience:

1.Counselor at Sleepaway camp
2. Paid tutor for middle schools students.

Strong Recommendations from counselor, two teachers, and clergy person.

Thanks for looking!

Seems like you’ve almost got it all…hopefully strong essays.

It’s Cornell so it’s not easy but it seems you’d have as good a chance as any and that’s an easier school to get into.

I assume you are full pay since applying ED. If you can’t afford full pay that you’ve checked the net price calculator because there is no merit aid.

I like, not that you are accomplished but that you know which activities bear most importance (and I assume impact) to you. That’s great.

Thank you! I’ve just finished working on my common app essay and will work on the supplemental when it opens next week. My essay is strong, according to my counselor.

What do you mean by the school is easier to get into? I’ve read the opposite, so I’d be thrilled to learn that it is, indeed, easier.

Yes, full pay. I’m blessed that my parents are willing to help me pay for school.

Obviously ED helps. I don’t see that Cornell publishes by school but I found a few third party that show Human Ecology is one of the easier (not easy) schools. But it is third party and maybe wrong.

Anyway, like anyone I assume you’ll have other schools of interest - target and safety.

But you’ve set yourself up well. Don’t fall in love but give it your best effort and hopefully the outcome will be good for you.

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