Chance Me For ED Please!

Hey guys!
I’m a junior male getting ready to shortlist colleges and I think I’ve decided to ED to Cornell.
Some of the other schools I’m applying to include Georgia Tech, UGA, UT Austin, UC Berkely.
I going to apply to the engineering school at Cornell.

My school uses an average out of 100, not a 4.0 scale. I have a 97 weighted average and about 93 unweighted. But my HOPE gpa is around a 3.75. I’m going to end up with 9 AP’s and everything else honors except for like gov and health.


Varsity Tennis
FBLA National winner for personal finance
FBLA School President (we have 200+ members)
4 years of drumline (Co-Captain)
Eagle Scout
National Honor Society and National Spanish Honor Society
Vice President of Mentor-ship club
Junior Tennis coach (paid)
200+ hours of service with Boy Scouts and local library combined

I really like math and physics and chemistry but I don’t really have “engineering” looking extracurriculars because the robotics team and science bowl clashes with Marching Band. I don’t know if that looks bad but I’ve done summer camps at Georgia Tech and Emory and I’m really interested in engineering.

I’ve taken the SAT once and did pretty bad with a 2000 overall. However i got a 33 on my ACT. Is that considered competitive or should I retake it? I also plan on the math 2 and biology SAT II.

Thanks in advance :).

The 33 ACT is better than the 2000 SAT.

33 is like a 2180 ----

good chances yo i would be suprised if u DIDNT get in

^I wouldn’t go too far as to say that. Cornell engineering is extremely competitive, and even with your excuse, it’s still not good to have no engineering ECs. I’m assuming you will have taken BC Calc and Physics 1 & 2 or C by the end of next year. If not, that’ll go against you too. I’d say it’s a low - mid reach, depending on how good your essay is. Your GPA isn’t amazing, your ACT is pretty much average for Cornell, and you have no distinguishing ECs. I’m sure you’re extremely bright, and you’ll get into a great school, but I wouldn’t be surprised if you didn’t get in as @thegrant is saying; at the same time, I wouldn’t be surprised if you did get in. Good luck!

33 is top 1% in the nation. If you really think you can increase your score to a 35 or 36, then do it. Otherwise it should be more than enough. I think you’d have a much stronger chance in a non-engineering major, like CAS, or mathematics, simply because engineering is seemingly impossible for about everyone.

@MOHighschooler‌ except if ur a girl… in which case the female acceptance rate for CoE is much higher lol