p> hi!
I’m thinking about applying to Chatham Hall, Santa Catalina, Emma Willard, and Oregon Episcopal Scool .
Grades -
My report card has grades ranging from A to b+. In sixth grade it was mostly A's got two bs and a few a-, in seventh I’ve had all as so far and one a-, I’m hoping this semester will be all a with maybe around two a-
Extracurriculars -
I’m planning on doing some ce over the summer, any recommendations? I’ve also worked at all of my mums festivals for two years.
I’ve been doing gymnastics for six years and I have been on the team for three. I did swim team for a year two years ago, I did ninja warriors for a year, soccer volleyball and basket ball for the school team, I did piano for three years but quit two years ago, and I’m doing track and field for the school team now.
I am now a 7th grader applying for 9th grade in 2026 fall to the 4 schools listed above. I would be applying for financial aid.
I am fluent in both Spanish and English. I am taking French in school.
I am planning to take SSAT early next year. Also I don’t know if this helps but I did a month of school in Argentina while visiting my cousins and I’m doing it again this summer.
And... I would really appreciate it if you could offer some tips/comments, particularly if you are familiar with Emma Wilson/Chatham Hall or any of the others. Thank you!