Chance me for eop? Thanks!

Hi, I’m a rising senior in NYC and I’m looking to go to Binghamton through eop. Chance me please? :slight_smile: I’m also Hispanic.

GPA: 86 W 85.9 UW
SAT: 1050 (Junior year) I retook it in December (waiting on the score).
AP: Spanish(?) Taking it now. My school doesn’t provide many AP classes.
Clubs: Environmental Club, Student Council, Student Government and Varsity Lacrosse. Enviormental club was from Junior year, the rest were senior. (I was pretty busy my freshman and sophomore year.)
Financially: I live in a house of 3 in which my household makes under 36k.
Essay: 9/10 I had help from my school’s AP English teacher. (it’s really good to be honest)
Recs: 9/10 and 8/10
Rank: 43 out of 201
I’m also taking 2 unnecessary science classes just so that colleges can know that I’m challenging myself. (Physics R and Anatomy and Physiology)

My major is Nursing and I’m a male. (I’m applying to Decker School of Nursing)

** English is not my first language, so excuse me for any errors.