Chance me for GW ED. Will chance back!

I had some reservations before, but after thinking about it, I have realized that George Washington University is the best fit school for me. Please chance me for their college.

White female

Intended major: Political Science
UW GPA: 3.81
W GPA: 4.02


Extracurriculators In school:

  • Class President all four years
  • Student School Board Representative
  • Member of the Superintendent Forum (handpicked group of kids who talk to the Superintendent every month about things going on in the school)
  • Founder and President of my school’s Political Club
  • Model UN Member for 3 years, and now a Leader for my 4th
  • Member of the Newspaper club, and have had articles published in the community magazine as well
  • NHS

Extracurriculators out of school:

  • Intern for the Democratic Coordinated Campaign (200+ hrs in the fall)
  • Intern for a State Legislature campaign over this summer
  • Summer Resistance Mobilizer against Trump
  • Interviewed and received an Internship for my State Senator for the fall
  • Member of a grant making board of girls who donate $25,000 to organizations in the community (2 years)
  • Assistant teacher at my church’s education program for 4 years 40hrs each year

AP Classes:

  • Sophomore year: APUSH (4)
  • Junior year: APPsychology (no scores yet), APGovernment(no scores yet), APCalculusAB (Did not take)
  • Senior year: APEuropean, APEnvironmental, APMicroeconomics, APEnglish


State: Pennsylvania
School: Small prestigious public
Income: $130,000

You have some good EC’s. The only limiting factor would be your SAT, which I highly recommend you retake. Other than that, you are fine.

Chance Back?

Your EC’s are amazing and right on par with your major. However, standardized testing is one of the most important factors in college admissions. Keep that in mind when you study. Getting high scores on these tests, with your amazing EC’s in mind, will open the door to colleges even more elite that George Washington. Try to aim for 1400+ as the average is around 1370. What’s your class rank?

I can’t seem to get my SAT scores up no matter what I do. I am waiting on test scores after I went to tutoring. @warrenbass if I am able to bring my scores up to - say 1300 - do you believe that Georgetown could be in my ballpark?

It looks like you’re a pretty strong match for GW. Yes, your test score seems low, but if you go test-optional it shouldn’t be an issue.

With respect to Georgetown, I think it’s still a bit of a reach. However, if that’s the school you really want, I’d suggest going for it anyway.

Thank you so much!

Thanks everyone for your help! I hope to receive more responses! I am really worried about GW. I just visited some schools near me in PA, and hated them all. GW is the school for me, and I will do anything to get into it.

Thanks for chancing me! I think you have a really good chance at GW. The courses you took are good, and your GPA makes you a competitive applicant. I agree with everyone else on the test scores. You have time to retake them, though. Very strong, focused ECs. Good luck!

I think you have a decent shot of getting into this school if you are not expecting financial aid. Your GPA is solid and that might help you with your standardized test scores. Your ECs are awesome.


UPDATE I got a 1350 on my new SAT!! Please chance me, and mention other possible schools :slight_smile:

Great job on the re-take! Your chances of acceptance have definitely gone up, and I’d say that I’d be quite shocked if you DIDN’T get in.

As far as other schools, have you looked into American University in D.C.? It’s still in D.C. like GW but isn’t an urban campus. It’s also close to jobs and will have some of the same access to internships in the area (very important for your intended field of study.)