Chance Me For GW

White female

Intended major: Political Science
W GPA: 3.74 ( I know it is super low but I love this school)
ACT: 32 (retaking it in September)
SAT II: Took in June, haven’t gotten scores (took US history, World history, and Bio E)
AP (place score in parenthesis): Took AP Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, US History, AP Psych, APES, no scores yet
Classes Taken
Freshman Year

  • English 9 Enriched
  • World Hist/Cult Enriched
  • Algebra I
  • Biology Enriched
  • Mandarin I
  • Business Law
  • International Business
    Sophomore Year
  • English 10 Enriched
  • U.S. History I Honors
  • Sociology
  • Geometry
  • Chemistry Enriched
  • Mandarin Chinese III (teacher thought I showed enough talent to skip a level)
  • Accounting I Honors
    Junior Year
  • English 11 Honors
  • AP Psychology
  • AP U.S. History
  • AP Economics
  • Algebra II Enriched
  • AP Environmental Science
  • Mandarin Chinese IV Honors
    Senior Year (this is what I will be taking next year)
  • Pre-Calculus
  • AP American Government & Politics
  • AP Human Geography
  • Computer Science
  • English 12 Honors
  • Mandarin Chinese V Honors
  • AP European History

Extracurriculars In school (Been a member of all clubs since freshman year):

  • Speech and Debate Team. My events were Congressional Debate, World School Debate and Extemp. I was the
    Congressional Debate captain (2016-2017), and Vice President (2017-2018). I am ranked number one in the state for
    Congressional Debate. I have qualified and attended the Tournament of Champions and the National Tournament in
    Birmingham. I have major breaks at national tournaments like the Yale Invitational and the Princeton Classic.
  • International Concerns Club (it is linked to Amnesty International). I am fundraising director and treasurer of the club
    (2016-2018). I host bake sales every month and typically earn over $100. I also host round table discussions.
  • Girl Up. Girl Up raises money for the United Nations for Girls all over the world. I am the Public Relations officer, but also
    act as fundraising director. I have held multiple fundraisers like a self defense fundraiser, international culture night on the
    nations Girl Up effects, and a drive at our school that collects pads, tampons, and other stuff for women at a local
    battered woman shelter.

Extracurriculars out of school:

  • Intern for local Democrats office and helping to campaign for the governors election in the fall.
  • Play piano ( 5 years)
  • Volunteer at a local elderly home and play piano there.
  • Volunteered at a orphanage
  • Volunteer annually at a 5k in memory of a friend of mine that was killed
  • Baby Sitter
  • Camp Counselor at a debate camp

Summer Activities

  • NSLI-Y (State Dept Scholarship that allowed me to go to China to study Mandarin last summer), also had a blog to
    document the program

Despite your GPA, I think you have a very good chance at acceptance. Like you may have seen in your research of the school, GW Admissions looks at the “whole person” on applications, and if you were judged on everything BUT your GPA, you’d be an excellent candidate. With that said, don’t be shy about how badly you want to attend GW. Take a tour, if possible; reach out to the Admissions folks; meet-up with your local GW Admissions rep; and most importantly, write a great essay that shows how badly you want to be at GW and why. Good luck.