Chance me for Harvard and MIT RD? Please?

<p>I feel guilty doing this...</p>

<p>Hispanic Male-100% Cuban</p>

<p>Class Rank: 1/318, 4.0 Unweighted 5.3 weighted</p>

<p>National Merit Semifinalist, AP Scholar with Distinction</p>

<p>SAT: 780 CR, 750 M, 790 W
ACT: 33
SAT II: 790 Math Level 2 (retake?), 750 Physics (retaking), 740 Literature</p>

<p>11 AP's by graduation
World History, Euro History, U.S. History, Spanish Language- all 5's
English Language - 4 </p>

<p>Senior Year: Calc BC, Physics B, English Literature, U.S. Gov, Micro & Macro Econ</p>

<p>Plays guitar for 9 years + self-taught piano</p>

<p>Guitarist in award-winning Jazz Band + Outstanding Soloist Award at a State-wide festival</p>

<p>Pres of Science NHS and VP of NHS </p>

<p>Research in summer + regional Science Fair winner</p>

<p>Policy Debate + Science Olympiad Team in Physics ( we won some stuff)</p>

<p>Essay about being exiled Cuban in U.S. </p>

<p>Interviewed for MIT-went extremely well; No interview for Harvard yet</p>

<p>Teacher Recs: awesome</p>

<p>did optional essay about creating Music </p>

<p>P.S. these EC's are more substantial than they seem...I'm really tired/lazy right now
besides all the applications reserve is essentially a single line to describe hours and hours of work...therefore, I think Harvard + MIT get about as good an idea as you guys will</p>

<p>but if knowing more about them will help chance me more accurately, tell me</p>

<p>sorry for starting another one of these neurotic threads</p>

<p>You have excellent chances of admission to multiple top schools, including Harvard and MIT. You still can be rejected at one or more of them, though, because even very top candidates get rejected. So make sure that your list of top schools isn’t just H and M–apply to several more, as well as some matches and at least one safety. With your stats and URM status, that safety can be a really good school.</p>

<p>Don’t worry about retaking Math II; colleges know that you are “within the range” of an 800. Retaking it can seem OCD.</p>

<p>Your extracurriculars are fantastic and if your essays are as good as you say, then I’m sure your application will merit strong consideration.</p>

<p>You’ll be competitive. Although, those two schools reject people like you all the time. Remember that.</p>

<p>Why are you retaking the Physics subject test again? An 800 is NOT necessary to be admitted to either of those schools. An MIT admissions officer openly stated that there’s not much difference to them between a 740 and an 800 on the Math II.</p>

<p>well I just figured physics has a curve of 12 questions…</p>

<p>If you really want to do it, it won’t hurt. But a 750 is pretty good.</p>


<p>You have a rather good chance, esp. with the “Cuban exile” hook if used well in essays. However, you should throw your app at other top schools: the rest of the Ivys, UChicago, WUStL, and Stanford, to name a few.</p>

<p>well I didn’t actually use the term “exile” lol, since I thought it’d be too strong. but it was about living in the U.S. and having a very ambiguous national identity. kind of like “what if I had been born and raised there as a Cuban rather than born and raised in the U.S. as a Cuban.”</p>

<p>anyway, I DEFINITELY applied to schools other than Harvard and MIT lol. I’d have been nuts not to. The list (besides Harvard and MIT) goes:</p>

<p>University of Florida
University of Miami
Georgia Tech
Georgetown University

<p>For the love of God please don’t retake your SATIIs. Your scores are FINE for any school - if you don’t get in, it won’t be your scores that keep you out.</p>

<p>That said, you look like you’re in really good shape. May I ask why you didn’t apply to UofC and MIT early? Just wondering.</p>

<p>honestly, I don’t know. I really wish I had just to know already. and for the tubes.</p>

<p>really, I just put off applying cause I didn’t feel confident about my first SAT I scores (770 CR 690 M 710 W). I waited til I got my October ones back</p>

<p>I agree, your scores are where they need to be. Time to cross your fingers and hope, but I’d say you have a solid, good shot.</p>

<p>Your scores are great! You don’t need to retake them. Great shot at all of your schools.</p>

<p>ugh I sure hope so… I just feel like you have to be a celebrity or have cured something to get into harvard.</p>

<p>No, but it sure as hell helps XP</p>

<p>bump 10char</p>

<p>this thread isn’t really…</p>


<p>last bump before I let this thread die</p>

<p>…I’ll chance you back I promise</p>