<p>Hi everyone! I'm planning on being one of those crazy double majors in biz/science. So please chance me for Harvard! I'm very much aware how easy it is to get rejected from there, so any other school suggestions would be great! Oh oh oh, and I'm a rising senior.</p>
<p>Let's start with the stats, shall we?</p>
<p>SAT : 2290 (800 M, 720 R, 770 W, i think 11 essay?, one sitting)
ACT: 32, submitting sat though
SAT 2s: 750 math 2, 760 us history, 770 bio m
GPA: uw: 3.93, weighted: 4.399
APs: Statistics, Chemistry, Biology, Macro, Micro, Calc BC, US History, English Lang: all fives except a four on micro -.-</p>
<p>Classes: 1 ap frosh yr, 2 soph year, 5 junior year, 5 senior year</p>
<p>Next year's classes:
Ap psych
Ap lit
Ap french
Ap govpol
Ap euro
Honors physics</p>
<p>Outside school:
-Classical dancing for 14 years, asst. teacher at my school
-Founder/president of a non-profit for 4 years for eradication of sex trafficking, raised over 15K so far</p>
<p>In school:
Science olympiad, president
Fbla, vice president, also on state publicity committee
Academic club, president
Literature club, president
Key club, secretary
French club, vice president
NHS, French Honor Society
School ambassador (help out freshman with schtuff)</p>
<p>Lalalalalala trying to remember cool stuff about me</p>
<p>Awards: lots of volunteering awards, presidential award for service, science competition awards, several fbla region/state awards...yeah</p>
<p>Been in the newspaper more than 15 times, been on TV too (y)</p>
<p>Had a finance internship before junior year, this summer doing an internship With local college on health management, also doing some cancer research in a lab on mice! :D</p>
<p>Umm yeah I can't remember anymore but feel free to ask me questions! :D</p>