Chance Me for HPS & Others

<p>Alright, so I told myself I would never do one of these, but April 1st is a long ways away and I don't know what to do with myself between now and then!</p>

<p>Basic Info:
-Location: Oregon
-Ethnicity: White
-Gender: Male
-High School: Public, but one of the top high schools in the state.</p>

<p>Where I Applied:
-Penn (Wharton)
-USC (Marshall)
-Claremont McKenna (Up for a McKenna Achievement Award Scholarship...but I've still not actually been "accepted")
-Arizona (Already admitted to the Honors College with $10k/yr)</p>

<p>Unweighted GPA:

<p>Weighted GPA:

<p>AP Courses:
-U.S. History (5)
-European History (5)
-Calculus AB (4)
-Physics B
-World History
-English Literature</p>

<p>Current Schedule:
-AP Physics B
-AP World History (Independent Study)
-AP Statistics
-AP Macro/Micro Economics
-AP English Literature
-French 4</p>

<p>Class Rank:
6/368 (As of the end of junior year, when I had a 4.13. They haven't updated our class rank for the most recent semester yet.)</p>

<p>**SAT:<a href="Superscored%20from%20two%20sittings">/b</a>
-Math: 780
-C.R.: 730
-Writing: 720
-TOTAL: 2230</p>

<p>SAT II:
-Literature: 750
-Math Level 2: 740
-U.S. History: 740</p>

-Model U.N. (I helped found it last year. I've been president since its conception. We went to the state conference last year and brought home three awards. This year we're taking two teams to a national conference in New York as well as sending two more teams of underclassmen back to the state conference.)
-Theater (I've been in eight productions in high school. I've held the lead in four of them and major roles in all the others.)
-Thespian Society
-Young Republicans (Vice-President last year, Co-President this year.)
-Co-Captain of the Spirit Squad (Self-explanatory...we amp up the school spirit at assemblies/sporting events by doing crazy things that have at times resulted in parent phone calls to the administration about nipple exposure...:)...That last part isn't on my app, however)
-Volunteer at the local public library (I've done this weekly since eighth grade.)

I run my own eBay business, buying electronics (usually video game consoles) off my craigslist and selling them on eBay for a profit.</p>

-1st Place in a Geography Skills Challenge for high schoolers from my county (1/2 a million people).
-Won the "Best Speaker" award in my committee at the state Model U.N. conference last year.
-Top 5 in Oregon in the AAA Travel Challenge last year.
-AP Scholar
-National Merit Finalist</p>

I never got to read my teacher recs. I got to read my G.C.'s though. My counselor is somewhat of a nimrod (although he's one of the nicest guys I've ever met), so his rec was poor (in quality, although the content about me was fairly good).</p>

I thought they were very good (then again, who doesn't think their own essays are). They highlighted my strong writing abilities and my deep and passionate interest in maps and geography and how it led me to my choice of major (Economics/Int'l Relations -or- Int'l Business, depending on the school).</p>

<p>Additional Information:
I attended the Global Young Leaders Conference in D.C. & NYC two years ago. It was an absolutely amazing experience and virtually defined my future and what I wanted from it, but I don't know how much it helps my application. I wrote about it in one of my essays.</p>

<p>Thanks in advance for all the help guys, I really appreciate it!</p>

<p>You have a good chance at all of your choices. You should get into the bottom 3 at least. Penn, Stanford, Harvard is uncertain.</p>

<p>Ya those are the three I'm concerned about.</p>

<p>I'm hoping to get into at least one of them.</p>

<p>the top three are unpredictable for everyone but you stand a pretty decent chance. you ought to get into the others</p>