<p>First time posting, and I'd like to see my chances for Harvard, Yale, Princeton, MIT, Stanford, the Ivies, and JHU. I'd like to go into bioengineering for my major. I'm an international student from Taiwan, by the way.</p>
<p>SAT: 2370 (800 M, 770 R, 800 W)
SAT II: Physics 800, Math II 800, Biology M 780, Chemistry 800
APs I've taken (with scores): Calc BC 5, Chemistry 5, Physics C Mechanics and E+M 5s, Biology 5, English Lang 5, Statistics 5, Microeconomics 5, Comparative Government 5
GPA: 4.30, 4.62, 4.98 (fresh, soph, and junior years)</p>
<p>Legacy: Dad's a grad student from MIT, magna cum laude</p>
<p>Academically-related awards/activities, etc.
- Won first place twice in the Physics and Electrical Engineering department of my sophomore and junior year science fairs
- Was awarded the Harvard Prize Book award (an award given by Harvard alumni in Taiwan for outstanding academic and extracurricular achievement, only 2 or 3 people per year get it in Taiwan)
- Student Council president this year, treasurer in my freshman and sophomore years
- Interning at Academia Sinica, a prestigious research institution in Taiwan
- Rank 1 in my class
- Silver medalist in the USAD, the International competition
- Frequent Model United Nations participant, attending two international conferences a year and have been chair and deputy Secretary-General for two major international conferences</p>
<p>Extracurricular Activities
- Over 400 hours of community service work
- Revamped recycling program in school
- Tennis and swimming teams, have won regional awards
- Horseback riding
- Second violinist in my school's orchestra</p>
<p>Other information
- I don't need financial aid
- I would've participated in the International Biology Olympiad, except for some reason in Taiwan the test is offered ONLY in Chinese, which I am weaker at (I don't know terminology and the such in Chinese)
- I'm taking a sophomore-level biology course (Principles and Techniques of Molecular Biology, BIOS-12) at Harvard this summer
- I'm pretty sure I'll do well on the essays. I have a lot of material to reference, from a stay at a Buddhist temple to my many years of Model United Nations, and community service and more.
- Teachers like me. I'll have good rec letters.</p>
<p>Thanks for your information! If you need more, just ask.</p>