Chance me for Ivy's and West Coast School

<p>Junior in Cincinnati at #1 High School in Ohio (Ranked 30th-90th out of public high schools in the nation)
Class Rank: 3 out of 368
Current GPA: 4.0 unweighted (5.3 weighted - where AP's are on a 6 scale, and AA's/Honors are on a 5 scale).
SAT: 2350 (760 Reading, 800 Math, 790 Writing)
APs: Grade 10 - AP USH, AP Latin Vergil; Grade 11 - AP Calc BC, AP Chem, AP English Language and Comp, AP Macro Econ, AP Micro Econ; Grade 12 (Tentative) - Multivariable Calculus (AP weighted), AP Phsyics C: Mechanics, AP Physics C: E & M, AP Computer Science, AP English Literature and Composition, AP Psychology</p>

<p>EC's: Student Council (VP 9th grade, President 10th grade, didn't do in 11th and wont in 12th)
President and Essentially Founder of interdenominational Christian group at my school (10th and 11th grade)</p>

<p>Participant in Cincinnati's INTERalliance program - a collaboration of universities, corporations, and high schools set to Identify, Nurture, Train, Employ, and Retain top IT talent in Cincinnati.
Member of student INTERalliance Leadership Council (fall of 11th to present)
Member of student Cabinet of INTERalliance Leadership Council (Dec of 11th to present) - this is the Leadership Council of the Leadership Council. I am the Assistant School Relations Fair.
I am currently expanding a program of INTERalliance that offers programming and website development masterclasses, as well as employment opportunities to high schoolers. This will hopefully be provided to 150 students by the fall, with a few dozen snatching the employment opportunities.
Have programmed since 5th grade and co developed a website.</p>

<p>Student Accompanist for choirs (7th grade to end of 11th grade (don't know if i'll have time senior year)
Keyboardist for Church Worship band (9th to fall of 11th grade)
Keyboardist for Church Youth Group Worship Band (fall of 11th grade to present)
Employed playing music at a restaurant over summer b4 11th grade.
Pianist for parties and weddings.
1st place in local music competition out of 23 people, (not highly competitive or famous comp.)</p>

<p>200ish Volunteer Hours
9th - 10th grade, paid and volunteer private tutor, as well as paid tutor through the school's tutoring program</p>

<p>1st in CityWide 1st year chemistry competition, 10th grade (hope to do the same for the AP level this year (11th grade). Hope to do well in the National Chemistry Olympiad.</p>

<p>Intended Major: Computer Science or Information Systems, or Business
Top Schools: UC Berkeley, Stanford, USC, Caltech, Ivy's (Primarily HYPS)</p>

<p>What are my chances? Thanks. If you need more information I will provide it!</p>