Chance me for Johns Hopkins, Northwestern, Princeton and others. Will chance back!

<p>Hey everyone! Could you chance me for Emory, Johns Hopkins, UPenn, Northwestern and Princeton?
Here are my stats:
Class Rank: 4 of a class of approximately 500
SAT 2260 CR: 700 Math: 760 Writing: 800
SAT II: Bio M: 780 Chem: 780 USH: 770 WH: 780
GPA Unweighted 3.98 and weighted 4.7</p>

<p>Ethnicity: Asian (Indian)
AP scores are all 5's in World History, Computer Science A, Calculus BC, Language and Composition, Biology, Chemistry, and US History.
I've taken all of the available honors and AP courses I've been able to fit into my schedule and 1 extra not typically offered to sophomores as a sophomore. Currently taking Distance Calculus with Georgia Tech, AP Lit, AP Psychology, AP Physics, AP Micro and Macroeconomics, and AP European History.</p>

Captain of Fencing Team (3 years)
Placed 6th in the High School League Junior Year
"D" Rated Fencer in USFA
I plan on participating in the National Cup for fencing within the coming year.
President of Young Democrats
Math Club Secretary
Lead Organizer in a Marathon Gaming group for charity (involved helping design website, promote and actual participation in the marathon). We have raised $2000+ so far.
Member of Academic Bowl, National Honors Society, and Beta Club for 4 years, 2 years, 3 years, respectively
100+ hours volunteering at a nearby Neurodevelopmental Center specializing in helping disabled children
50+ Hours of Tutoring with the School</p>

Have placed in top 3 in multiple fencing tournaments (received quite a few gold, silver and bronze medals)
National Spanish Exam - won Gold Award sophomore year.
Phi Beta Kappa Book Award
Georgia Merit Scholar
AP Scholar with Distinction</p>


<p>Great grades and AP, solid SAT I and great SAT II. Strong extra-curriculurs showing breadth and depth. In my view, assuming good essays/interviews, in at Hopkins, Northwestern, and Emory. Good chance (above 50%) at Penn. Crap shoot at Princeton like everyone else. Are your fencing skills good enough to compete at the intercollegiate level at any of the Ivy’s. If so, maybe in good shape even for Princeton.</p>


<p>Are you a junior or senior?</p>

<p>Ivies have fencing teams and it is good to approach the coaches for these teams if you are considered good. It is much easier to get into an Ivy if you are a recruited athlete.</p>

<p>I am a senior. Although I’m regarded as a decent fencer, I’m not a top of the nation level fencer, so I probably won’t be recruited. Nonetheless, I plan on contacting the coaches anyways since they tend to be helpful towards any level of fencer in terms of admission.</p>

<p>according to GotIvy,</p>

<p>"Each of the above students is clearly a super star. When you think of Student 1, you think of Debate girl, when you think of student 2, you think of math genius, and when you think of student 3, you think of community service kid.</p>

<p>Of course these students are involved in other activities but 1) there is an overarching interest and 2) they are accomplished in their respective interests. It is one thing to say I find neuroscience fascinating and it is another thing to say that I worked in a neuroscience lab for ten weeks and it convinced me to consider neuroscience as a career. You need experiences, internships, competitions, awards, honors and recommendations (from the right people) to supplement the idea that this person is a “fill in blank” kid. "</p>

<p>You reminded me of that when I read about the fencing stuff. I think you are a great candidate!</p>

<p>Your credentials are pretty good but the issue with Ivy schools is that they reject a lot of students with your numbers or better since so many show up with similar attributes and they can’t admit everyone. So any type of hook helps (asian is a slight negative not for the reason people on CC tend to believe but because of the sheer number of applicants) and that is why having someone push your application is the best way to stand out.</p>

<p>I’m not seeing Penn or Princeton, the CR score is sub par, you’re in an incredibly competitive pool and it’s always tough when so much of your EC time went into a sport you’re not being recruited for. Maybe a D3 school might be interested but it’s very late if you’re applying this year. NU is a more realistic reach and JHU and Emory over 50%.</p>

<p>You certainly have a shot at those schools; you should push the fencing at all of the schools and try to get recruited wherever possible. It will help you get in.</p>

<p>Although it may be a little too late to be recruited for fencing itself, I don’t think the time I’ve put into it has been wasted. I’ll still be able to continue fencing via the USFA when in college, the coaches like helping almost any fencer out with admissions, and they typically allow even non-recruited fencers to still practice with the team. Not to mention, I’m sure my coach will throw in a good word for me. </p>

<p>Also, I noticed that my I forgot to mention essays and recs.
Although my I’m not a naturally strong writer, my essays I think are creative, quirky, and reveal my personality.
My recs I suspect are outstanding. </p>

<p>Thanks for the chancing everyone.</p>

<p>smiikl - contact the fencing coaches and ask them to support your application.</p>

<p>I think you definitely have a chance at Emory, Johns Hopkins, and Northwestern. most likely Upenn too, and probably Princeton. Fencing is definitely what is pushing your application the most I’d say, so hopefully you played that up in your essays because that’s something unique that a lot of other applicants probably won’t have. Good luck!</p>

<p>Chance me back?
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>What kind of fencer are you? I’m a fencer too and rated “D” as well! :slight_smile: I’m saber.</p>

<p>Unfortunately, there is a little bit of discrimination against typical asian applicants. Where they only score 2400 with 4.0 UW GPA. But you seem different with your personality. So I’d say you have a strong chance at many of these schools. Of course, I can’t say you are likely to get in at most Ivies, because, like always, it’s mostly a crapshoot. Let me know what kinda of fencer you are and what area you’re from? (West coast, mid or east)</p>

<p>I’m an epeeist from Georgia.</p>

<p>Fun! Us saber fencers are a little snobby because we feel so special about fast-paced bouts and intense DE’s.</p>