Chance me for Lewis & Clark!

Accepted: Puget Sound
Rejected: UC Davis
Areas: Philosophy & Theater Arts
Race: Native/Caucasian
Location: Small ranching town in Northern Nevada
3.0 UW 3.5 Weighted, top half of my class.
1220 SAT (660 English, 560 Math)
28 ACT (32 Reading, 29 English, 27 Science, 24 Math) (trust me there is some improvement on this)
AP Classes: AP World (4), AP English (4), AP US History (4), AP Statistics (this year), AP Gov (this year)
Honors: Honors English 1, Honors English 2, Honors Brit Lit
TA 2018 for AP Lang
Extra Credits: Drama (Three years, Secretary for the program, Honor Thespian, State Thespian 2017, International Thespian 2018, acted in spring plays 2016 and 2017, directed the spring play 2018, acted in our One Act Festival 2017, wrote + directed + acted in own play One Act Festival 2018, Lettered)
Speech + Debate (Four years, Superior Distinction, semi-finalist in National Qualifier 2016 for DI, nationally ranked competitor for POI in 2017 (aka I made it to Nationals and went to Nationals), Public Forum for four years, PF Captain 2018, Lettered)
Academic Team (2018, second highest scorer on team, Lettered (most likely))
Young Democrats (2017 + 2018, set up marches and political advocacy, Member at Large 2017, Treasurer 2018)
Miscellaneous (Winner of my school’s talent show doing stand up comedy 2016 + 2017, published poet in misc. literary magazines, self study philosophy)

Rec Letter: have yet to read it, but it’s from my AP Lang teacher (UPS Alum) and apparently there’s a lot of praise for what she writes.

Essay: Describe an event that lead to personal realization. How I was broken up with, and while trying to figure out the kinks of solving heartbreak, found a copy of the Kama Sutra in a bookstore on the beach. After reading it and researching The Second Sex, I became obsessed with the idea of codependency being inherent in human nature (i.e. you can’t get over something, those same exact feelings will be put into an other person/habit/something else). In order to articulate my feelings, I wrote a play about a cat and produced it for the entire school. But, after writing it for a while, I realized that instead of getting over the break up, I just focused all those feelings into the play, and it made me feel like an ugly person. The play was met with a really good crowd response, against all expectations, and I was happy to put all those feelings to rest.

L&C Specific Essay: how I won’t be the top student in the class, but I love learning and those who have influenced me, so I’ll try my best to influence others.

Thank you! Sorry for the too-long essay description.