chance me! ED (portfolio path.)

<p>i'm getting really nervous! I applied portfolio path. I'm PSEO (since junior year) so all of my work was from a community college. I included a 4 page analysis of 'managing risks' as per the cultures in wade davis' light at the edge of the world (it had one typo, otherwise i got a perfect grade :( ), a perfect essay exam in which i wrote about the wife of bath (canterbury tales) as an anti-feminist character (the question asked about her feminism, and she is no feminist), an anthropology essay exam i got 100% on, a algebra exam i got 100% on, and a quiz i got 81 on. (i'm a very bad student in math, so i was surprised to find those lol) </p>

<p>i also included my art page as i feel it's a pretty important part of who i am. then i learned my admissions counselor loves art and photography! how lucky.</p>

<p>me: black female from single parent home. ohio. i wrote what i thought was a very quirky essay. if you'd like to read it, just let me know. i wrote it with the help of cc :) no one who has read it didn't like it. I've had extensive contact with my admissions counselor. we spoke on the phone late october, and when i emailed her in november, she recognized me.</p>

GPA: 3.2W /4 (school calculates weight in a strange way, as I haven't had weighted classes since sophomore year. )<br>
Rank: 79% (37/174)
ACT: 30
I failed a trig course last year (it was at college so it was only one semester, so it didn't drop my GPA THAT much. i am retaking it now and earning a high C (even with tutoring, i don't know why i just can't comprehend math.) ) </p>

4 years marching band (alto)
4 years concert band(alto)
3 years jazz band ( bass guitar, also they got rid of it this year)
2 years FBLA
4 years Mock trial
last year i conducted a brass ensemble, we volunteered to play at holiday parties
I worked at my college's jazz festival last year
played bass for school musical </p>

My GPA is well below the average.<br>
I'm also concerned that the work I sent might not be good enough. (I go to a community college, and although it's probably better than any work from my high school I could've sent, I don't know how it compares to other applicants) </p>

<p>if any more information is needed, just ask :)</p>

<p>No way to know but you might be the kind of quirky student L&C admits. They were proud of the student who was one of ten certified NY subway musicians in DD2’s class. Can your family afford the cost?</p>

<p>i just got accepted w/ merit at willamette. do you think that it’s safe to say that i will get into lewis and clark, as they share the same applicant pool?</p>

<p>I’d say it’s looking more likely. Good luck.</p>

<p>thanks! apparently lewis & clark accepts about 5% more people than willamette. which is strange, as i got the impression that l&c was more selective. </p>

<p>iiiidk. as january 1st approaches i’m becoming more and more nervous.</p>

<p>L&C is a little more numbers based. L&C weights rigor, GPA and racial status as very important, most other things as important. Willamette weights rigor, rank, GPA, scores and essay as most important, most other things just considered. That essay probably makes a big difference. The other thing affecting the % accepted is the yield. Both have an idea of the expected yield based on historical numbers so they accept a % based on how many they want in a class. They actually have similar yields (14-15%)</p>