<p>I would say you have a <em>very</em> good chance of getting into at least 3 of your top schools provided you write a really good essay. Also I agree with some of the other commenters that your extracurricular activities look amazing but there are way too many. Try to show some focus/passion for specific areas and maybe don’t list minor experiences (ie. some volunteering at school 30+ hours) because at that point it just seems like you’re only doing these activities for them to look good on your resume. Overall, amazing…good luck!</p>
<p>Here’s mine
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1323756-i-v-y-chances-ill-chance-back.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1323756-i-v-y-chances-ill-chance-back.html</a></p>
<p>Hello, I would like to point something out. Don’t get your hopes to high. Most of the above posters are very naive and have no clue what they are talking about. No offense intended to them, they are probably new to this. Ignore those chances and maybe seek some from experienced members. You could message Waverly, he/she is amazing and was a former counselor I think. </p>
<p>Moving on, I think you are a great applicant. However Ivys are a crapshoot especially for asians. And don’t ask for percentage chances, that might be one of the reasons why some of the above posts are so absurd. People cannot give you a percentage, they are just pulling a random number . However, it is relatively easy to give you categorgy chances.
Saftey %90+
Match %40-90
Reach %30 and below</p>
<p>Boston Univ Saftey
Brown Univ Mid Reach
UC Berkeley Mid Match
California Inst of Tech High Reach
Carnegie Mellon Univ High Match/low reach
Univ of Chicago Reach
Cornell Univ low reach/high match
Dartmouth Coll reach
Olin Coll match
Harvard Univ High reach
Johns Hopkins Univ high match
MA Inst of Tech High reach
Northeastern Univ Safety
Northwestern Univ high match
U of Pennsylvania low reach if you do ED
Princeton Univ High reach
Stanford Univ high reach
Tufts Univ match
U of Vermont safety
U of Washington safety
Yale Univ high reach</p>
<p>You should get into all the safeties, a good portion of the matches, and maybe a few reaches if you get lucky and write amazing essays. You are applying to a lot, so i think you could get into a couple of them.</p>
<p>Thanks! I am not Asian though. I appreciate your honesty and you seem to know your stuff, I’ll ask Waverly as well. Thanks!!!</p>
<p>1st off, what is up with that SAT score? I have never heard of anyone getting any number not a multiple of 10. Can you screenshot the thing and post a link?</p>
<p>Here is my rating system:</p>
<p>Safety - 80% +
Match: - 45% - 79%
Low Reach - 35 - 44%
Reach - 10% - 34%
High Reach - 0% - 9%</p>
<p>Boston Univ - S/M(if going for honors college)
Brown Univ - R/HR
UC Berkeley - M
California Inst of Tech - R/HR<br>
Carnegie Mellon Univ - LR/R
Univ of Chicago - R
Cornell Univ - R
Dartmouth Coll - R/HR<br>
Olin Coll - M/LR
Harvard Univ - HR<br>
Johns Hopkins Univ - LR
MA Inst of Tech - HR
Northeastern Univ - LR<br>
Northwestern Univ - LR
U of Pennsylvania - HR<br>
Princeton Univ - HR
Stanford Univ - HR
Tufts Univ - LR/M<br>
U of Vermont - S (Well, I actually don’t know but I assume S because UVM probably doesn’t admit lots of out of state students)
U of Washington - M (unless you’re thinking of WashU St. L. which would be LR, I always get those confused)
Yale Univ - HR</p>
<p>Holistically, you look like a fairly good applicant. Your GPA is really nice but are you sure that it is unweighted? You mention it going up because of honors/AP classes, which would not happen because it is unweighted. Anyway, if that is your UW GPA, it’s pretty good! Schedule is good and challenging so you do have the academics to get in to an ivy league. As for awards, they aren’t all too impressive. Scholastic awards seem to be school wide (correct me if I am wrong) which means they aren’t really worth mentioning on an application. As for FBLA, State president is good, National economics smarts econ qualifier is good(only for the nat level). Your science stuff is ok but not that good, you don’t seem to have good science. Plus you’re at a disadvantage as far as state awards because if I am right, you live in Vermont (guessing from UVM competition at least) which is rural. Your awards are less impressive due to not being from a large and competitive state like NY or CA. Don’t talk about any of your science or state awards unless you really are super passionate about them. MIT Splash is not worth mentioning unless you work with the organizers. Sports are ok but don’t let them take up any more than one small spot on your app (unless of course you are really passionate). Same with hiking. Your lab asst. jobs are good but unless you are getting research published don’t let it take up more than one spot as well. Volunteering needs work as well. </p>
<p>As a whole you seem smart and you are able to succeed under rigid structure, but I don’t see any real venture outside your comfort zone. Try being independent, try new things you aren’t so good at. Focus on developing the things you don’t like to do. It looks like you were coached through everything which is really bad for you application. That being said, your good stats par extra curricular activities will get you into some schools. </p>
<p>Anyway, sorry for the long post. Hope it helps.
Good luck on apps!</p>
<p>Thanks! Yes, my GPA is unweighted, I mentioned honors classes simply to imply that my weighted GPA would be high. I agree on most of your points, I cannot do much about living in Vermont, but for one of my lab jobs I commute to New York on a regular basis. I was not coached, not really sure where you are going with that last paragraph, but you seem to be quite knowledgable. Thanks!</p>
<p>You are a very strong applicant! Im sure you will have no problems with any of those schools! all I would say is that your Ivy’s are reaches because they are reaches for everyone</p>
<p>Good shots for all in my opinion. Not much else I can say haha. Goodluck!</p>
<p>Thanks! Want me to chance you back?</p>
<p>I HIGHLY disagree with quintamonious. Definitely put all of your awards, even if they are school wide. </p>
<p>The only thing you need to be careful of is letting your app appear to be a laundry list. Remember, you are telling a story about yourself. You don’t need some of the small stuff, but definitely put everything you have leadership in, have awards in, or spend a lot of time doing/have been doing for a long time.</p>