<p>Georgetown is my dream school and I plan on majoring in Econ/Political Communication</p>
3.8 weighted GPA (one bad semester w/ family reasons)
(unweighted is lower but not calculated yet in the 3.2-3.4 range)
All Honors/AP classes
10 AP's by graduation
4s and 5s on the AP exams taken thus far
32 on ACT, 11 on writing
730 on SAT II US History
720 on SAT II Lit
All AP classes for senior year, boost in GPA expected</p>
-Debate- Leadership positions 3 yrs including captain, state championships and various awards
-Model U.N.- leadership position and award
-In charge of official Obama for America phone bank for 2012 election; put in many volunteer hours as well as went on a canvassing trip to Iowa (from Illinois)
-Founded local Young Democrats chapter and Political Awareness Organization in my school with a program created to give a school of 600 in the Philippines dental hygiene tools (97% of children there have tooth decay)
-Relay for Life- Team Captain and award winner
-Newspaper- News Editor
-First Class Leader - Select Leader
-Mu Alpha Theta Honor Society
-Participated with school radio station and literary magazine</p>
Job since sophomore year
2 yrs of weekly volunteering at local crisis center charity</p>
<p>What are my chances of getting in? thank you so much!</p>
<p>You have good stats but not great. See if you can raise you ACT to a 33 or higher. ECs are good but none really pops out to me.</p>
<p>However, since Georgetown has three essays, you have three places to shine. Essays are huge.</p>
<p>If my ECs are bland than what’s good?</p>
<p>I didn’t say bland, I just said not popping. But when I read chances, I most of the time skip over ECs because everyone founds a club or organization, does student council, does debate or model UN, is a member of NHS, and performs service.</p>
<p>You seem like a very strong candidate, based on what I’ve seen from other CCers. EC’s are good, but I have to agree with ivyhopeful13 regarding the ACT - maybe just one more point? Meh, but the 10 APs will probably more than make up for that if you continue getting 4’s or 5’s! It’s all up to you.</p>
<p>Actually, I must disagree with the others in regards to your ACT score. Georgetown applicants who get accepted usually range from 29 to 32. Your score is considered to be in the upper threshold. If you retake it and get a 33, that’s excellent, but a 32 will be just fine and will not jeopardize your chances as a competitive applicant.</p>
<p>Your chances seem to be good for Georgetown :)</p>
<p>My main concern is my GPA. Doesn’t this make my chances unlikely? Or will my AP scores balance it out and prove my knowledge in classes I didn’t get As in?</p>
<p>In my opinion, students doom themselves to fail when they start to make excuses for why their GPAs or SATs are too low. Instead of explaining why something isn’t as great as you’d like it to be or worrying about what will cancel out a bad semester, capitalize on what you have to offer that is great.</p>
<p>You debate? Awesome me too
but this looks good and we have very similar grades/EC’s/aspirations</p>
<p>I had similar EC’s, same number of AP’s, and the same ACT and I got in! I had a slightly higher GPA though, but I’d say you have a good shot. If nothing else I’d say a 50/50 chance.</p>