Chance me for NU please

<p>Do you think I have a chance? I'm thinking about majoring in either history/political science with the goal of going on to law school.</p>

<p>white/female/tennessee/rising senior</p>

<p>GPA: 3.72 (unweighted)/4.1 (weighted)-(.5+ for honors/1+ for AP)
I will have taken 9 AP classes, 5 honors classes, and 4 years of foreign language.
I have no idea what my class rank is, but its probably in the top 10% or very close to it.</p>

<p>ACT: 30 (33 reading/30 math/29 english/26 science)
SAT II: US History 670
will take SAT II's for Math L2 and Literature
(I'm expecting around 700 for both)</p>

Assistant Karate Instructor (been involved since 1996 and have done many things on regional/national level)
Sports Editor for my school newspaper
Student Council representative,committee co-chair,committee member
Interact(service club)-head of various projects and treasurer
National Honor Society committee member
400+ hours of volunter work by time of graduate (Presidents Gold Award)
Distinguished Spanish 1 Student award</p>

<p>You obviously have challenged yhourself academically, and have depth in your ECs. Not every accepted applicant has perfect GPA/ranking. You have the added challenge of being female, where there are more applicants porportionately than there are male, and therefore competition for acceptance is keen. Do you feel NU has the best program in history/political science-if so-then apply. You have everything to gain-as NU is an AMAZING school..imho...</p>

<p>Good luck... You'll need some (though not terribly much)</p>

<p>damn ACT science. ruined me too</p>