Chance me for nursing major (THANK YOU!)

Hi! Based on my stats and extracurriculars, I wanted some insight in how SeattleU could be a good fit from you guys! (I am going into my senior year wooo!!)

gender: female
ethnicity/nationality: Asian Born American
parents: Both of them have Masters degree, their undergrad is completed in Taiwan, and masters completed in Michigan
interested major: Nursing
SAT: 1430 (retaking in August , prepping for a 1500)
W GPA: 4.1 UW GPA: 3.8

Honors: English 11 (my school does not allow AP English courses in junior year), Chinese 4&5, Algebra 2, Chemistry
APs: Psychology, Calculus AB, Chinese. Will take APs: Government, Statistics, Language+Composition, Art History (for personal interest only)

I am part of the:
Humane Society (in my area) Animal Shelter Camp Counselour
Local retirement home volunteer (now it’s only ZOOM volunteering)
Art Club @ School (service club for making art for local orphanages and retirement homes)
Co-President of the Nursing and Health Sciences Club @ School
Chinese Honor Society Chapter @ School

Thank you all!

Chance you for where? You didn’t mention a school.

I can say you’ll get in here - but what are you looking for size wise, location wise or type, direct admit or not, etc.

You could go anywhere from U of A to ASU to Alabama to so many schools.

Nursing Seattle U - you will get in - if that’s the question.

If you want to know other “similar” size schools you might find a fit, i’ll throw out Augustanta, Miami (reach) and USF.

Good luck.

Nursing schools have become increasingly competitive and some have become extremely difficult to gain admission, so you are wise to assess your chances.

Average SAT for Seattle University College of Nursing is 11170 (1090-1240 middle 50% range), so your chances there are excellent. You should be one of their top applicants.

Not all nursing schools are “direct admit”. In other words, at some universities, you are admitted to the university but then have to apply again for admission to the nursing school in freshman or sophomore year with no guarantee of acceptance . The good news is that Seattle U College of Nursing is direct admit, so you are accepted into nursing right out of high school and begin your nursing studies immediately.

Nursing is a good field right now. Employment prospects are good in most parts of the country and starting salaries are good. If you want to travel while you’re young and get experience at the same time, you can sign up with a company that specializes in placing traveling nurses, like TravCorps. Not only do they pay you a salary and provide insurance, but they also provide housing for free in most placements. Placements are normally for 3 months, but they can be extended if there is a need. These agencies typically fill a need for hospitals where there is a temporary shortage of nurses or temporary increase in patients.

Career prospects are increased by going to grad school for a Nurse Practitioner degree. This typically involves specializing, so unless you are certain of your area of interest, it can be a good idea to wait until you’ve had a few years of experience - but not too long or it might never happen due to other life commitments. Nurse Practitioners can function independently without the supervision of an MD in most states - including opening their own private practice.

Seattle U, I posted this is the “Colleges and Universities A-Z Seattle University” and I stated the school in my first line.

Yeah, USF (San Francisco) I put in my list too, it’s close to home too. And I liked the size.

Thank you!

Seattle and SF are both Catholic. is that what you are looking for? If so, add U of San Diego, Gonaza (in Spokane, WA) and others.

Here’s an entire list - sounds like geographically you want to be West or NW.

As @Bill_Marsh stated, nursing is competitive so don’t just check school stats, but nursing stats. And if you want to ensure you are in, apply to a direct admit program.

Other feedback I’ve read on the CC is to ensure the school offers clinical training in close proximity. Some schools offer it but far away - where you might have to live elswhere or have a long commute. Good luck.

Catholic Schools Offering Nursing Programs - 2018 Ranking (

Thank you so much for your detailed and helpful reply! Yes, I am currently finding more “direct admit” schools, but I am also applying to Emory which isn’t direct admit, is this a good choice? Since, Emory’s nursing program is really good!

I never knew about TravCorps, I was actually wondering the other day if this concept existed, and it does! I will definitely look into more of it, thank you so much!

And I am thinking of going to grad school for a Nurse Practitioner degree, my neighbor is one and she has been telling me all about it and I am really intrigued. I will definitely be considering this into my future. I have a question about how many years of experience I should have, how long should I have experience (as a BSN degree) until going to grad school.

Thank you!!!

How are your grades in the sciences? Would suggest that you take a weighted science course senior year to give you a leg up in a highly competitive major. Often times, the published stats for admission to schools is lower than what is required for admission into a direct admit nursing program. Best of luck to you.

Some nurse’s go to grad school immediately after graduation, others wait just a year or two while others wait a number of years. It’s up to you.

Although remote learning is making it easier to go back for an advanced degree decades after undergrad college, statistics suggest that if you don’t do grad school by your mid 20s or so, you’re less likely to ever do it.

My point in suggesting that you might wait before going for Nurse Practitioner (NP) is that NPs pick areas to specialize in their training (midwife, pediatric, geriatric, family, etc.). You can look at a grad catalogue for examples. Different grad schools offer different specialties. So if you develop a strong area of interest as an undergrad, then go for NP grad school right away.but if you’re unsure of what to pick, then get a job for a few years to find out what you like, and then go back to school.

Yes, Emory is a good choice.

Nursing is a practitioner’s degree and less of an academics degree, so the academics credentials of the faculty are not the most important factor. Clinical placements are the difference maker between different nursing schools. Emory has access to Emory University Hospital and other research hospitals in Atlanta where nursing students can be trained in best practices. That’s what you want to see in a top nursing school.

Although Emory is not direct admit, it is a top university where nursing is a good bet because, according to the catalogue, admission to the nursing school is AUTOMATIC upon completion of the specified requirements. That’s not the case everywhere. Don’t take my word for that. Confirm it with Emory and the nursing school, but that’s how I read what they’re saying.

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Ok! I got it, thank you so much this is so helpful. I was pretty unsure of the future timeline if wanting to do Nurse Practitioner, but this cleared so much! Thank you!!

Hi! I got all As for my science courses, except for 1 semester in Chemistry Honors sophomore year where I got a B. But the second semester for Chemistry Honors I earned an A. Yes! I am planning on taking AP Biology and Anatomy&Physiology in my senior year along with AP Statistics.

Oh, I see, thank you so much for your help~~

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