Chance me for Nursing?

First gen. college student
Independent Student due to an abusive household(Probably, Financial Aid won’t say until I get the decision)
30 ACT
3.45 UW, 4 something W. Slacked off fresh and sophomore year but had a 3.92 for Junior year
APUSH and AP Lang were 5’s, 3 on Chem. Taking AP Psych, Lit, and Bio this year. Will also be taking macro, gov’t, and world history tests

EC: Elected Senior Class Officer, Forensics Team Captian, Manager of Girl’s Volleyball program, Civics Bowl, Presidental Scholars Program Top 20 Semifinalist this year, took college course for my CNA last year and passed with an A, have worked 20-25 hrs/week since sophomore year

Essays were really good, talked about how I lost my mom in 2012 and how it made me want to become a nurse and help people, and letters of rec were also excellent. I also stayed up at Dejope for a week this summer for a stem cell therapies summer camp. UW has been my dream school forever and words can’t express how scared I am about my GPA.

Look at the UW School of Nursing website. They do not accept freshmen- you need to have college credits (be in your second year to apply) and your UW record will be the deciding factor. Your current UW goal is to get into the university- your improving junior year grades are in your favor.