Chance me for Ohio State.

<p>I plan to apply EA to Ohio state for Engineering and Computer Science, and was interested in what my chances were for getting into these programs. </p>

<p>GPA - 3.543
Act Composite - 29 (English: 22, Math: 28, Reading: 32, Science: 34, Writing: 10)
EC's - Played tennis for 4 years ( Varsity for 2 years)
I worked during the school year during junior year.
member of our schools band for 2 years.</p>

<p>AP's - Environmental Science: 4
I am currently taking Biology, Computer Science, and Calculus </p>

<p>Essay : Strong</p>

<p>Bump </p>

<p>You ACT composite is good although your Math score along with your GPA is low. So based on these two factors alone, Ohio State would be a high match for you. Good luck!</p>

<p>Anyone else? I appreciate all the answers I can get. </p>

<p>I’d say high match too. Your writing score is a strong point in your app. Get that GPA up and your chances will improve.</p>