<p>I am planning on applying EA to Ohio state and Pitt for Computer science and engineering.</p>
<p>GPA - 3.543
Act Composite - 29 (English: 22, Math: 28, Reading: 32, Science: 34, Writing: 10)
EC's - Played tennis for 4 years ( Varsity for 2 years)
I worked during the school year during junior year.
member of our schools band for 2 years.</p>
<p>AP's - Environmental Science: 4
I am currently taking Biology, Computer Science, and Calculus</p>
<p>Essay : Strong</p>
<p>Are there any other schools that are particularly strong in Computer Science and Engineering that I should consider?
I am looking for more schools to apply to including safeties, match and reach schools. Thanks a lot</p>
<p>Drexel, NJIT, Stevens Institute . . . Are you an OH resident? If not, what state do you live in? Unfortunately, your Math ACT score is low for most elite STEM programs, but that doesn’t mean you won’t have a good shot at less-selective ones. </p>