Chance me for Purdue CS

GPA: 4.67/5.00 only weighted is reported

Class Rank: 6/408

Course Rigor: Did not take the AP Test for all classes but I will have 10 by the end of senior year otherwise all Pre-AP except for required classes; also, I am currently dual enrolled for a sociology course at a nearby community college.

Completed the Project Lead The Way program for Engineering

Top 10 public school in the state.

AP Scholar with Distinction

Summa Cum Laude

ACT:34 E35 M33 R34 S32

730 on Math 2
I was super sick on test day and I didn’t really study that much, I probably won’t even send it, hope it doesn’t hurt me too much

Race and Gender:Asian/Indian Male

Income: Middle to Upper Class

Residency: Missouri


-Robotics for 4 years: will be Treasurer for Senior Year, on programming team, we made it to worlds in 2016

-Technology Student Association for 2 years: Competed in International Rocketry Challenge and Glider Challenge sponsored by Boeing at Wash U

-NHS 3 years

-Viking Leadership Council for one year: 50 students selected across the school to advise Activities director on ways to make the school a better place

-Boeing Explorer Post: Won 1st place out of 4 teams (as Chief Systems Engineer and primary programmer), teams were made up of about 200 people across the STL Bi-State Area, possible Boeing summer internship lined up for the next summer

-Summer Camps: Invited to Leadership in Practice camp at Westminster College in MO; attended Space Exploration camp at Missouri S&T, was the Schematics lead

-4 years of Varsity Tennis, went to Districts 2 times, have 1 1st place medal 3 2nd place medals and 3 3rd place medals for Conference championships

-Volunteer Hours at local hospital and pet shelter total hours is about 80

-Volunteer at middle school lego robotics club and help with competition design and technical difficulties

-Mu Alpha Theta for 3 years, tutor students on math

Possible hook?: First person in family to attend US college

-Worked as a dishwasher at local restaurant over summer

-Took care of my sister for 3 summers

You are in the ballpark but the CS acceptance rates have been plummeting. Apply early action as they will fill almost the whole class before RD. Have match and safety schools on your list too.

If you live in MO, there’s no need to pay triple the tuition going out of state, especially for a degree as ridiculously employable as CS. You’d be better off going to UM on a possible scholarship.

Would you consider Purdue a reach or match for me? Also, how badly will the math 2 score affect my chances?

At this point, CS is a reach for everyone.

Depends on the definition. Your profile certainly compares well with the admitted student profile, but plenty of applicants with the same profile don’t get in.

That’s a lie. Purdue is definitely not a reach for everyone. If you’re stats lie near the average for CS and have decently good CS ecs and good essays then you should get in if you apply EA. Calling Purdue CS a reach for everyone just shows your lack of knowledge, sorry.

Purdue CS is among several publics where the admittance rate (for CS and other impacted majors) is <20%, considerably more competitive than the university as a whole. So when a college - or a program with a college - becomes that selective, yes, it may indeed be put in the “reach for everyone” category.

There are kids already attending highly-ranked-in-CS flagships as undecided or in another major who aren’t being accepted as a transfer into their own university’s CS program. “Shut out of their (preferred) major”, basically. Some colleges (UW) actually advise students that if they aren’t directly admitted to CS to pick another college. The school may not be a reach, but the CS and engineering might be.