Chance me for Purdue CS


-GPA: 3.684 UW, 4.647 W. I took 6 AP classes through junior year and rest mainly honors. I am taking 5 AP classes senior year.(The only Bs I got were in like history and english classes)(3.67 GPA freshman yr, 3.47 GPA sophomore yr, and 3.915 GPA junior yr)

-I took all comp sci classes and high level math classes and achieved As in all of these classes
ACT: 33/36(A senior assistant at the office of undergad for Purdue replied to my email saying my 33 ACT score was higher than the CS average)


-One week CS/Stem internship at motorola at which my group won 3rd place and medal for designing and coding a product to help firefighters in the field.(Personally congratulated by real firefighter for excellent project)

-8 week CS internship at a local IT company where we designed a drone that is controlled by your brain and also used SQL(Database software) to upload live battery data (Won trophy for outstanding project)

-Website design team for 3 years where we designed and coded a website that shows traffic monitoring, attractions, and routes to people who went to nationals for BPA around the Washington D.C. area.

-Swim team for 4 years

-Debate team for 2 years(won medal at at a competition)

-Math team for 2 years

-60+ volunteer hours

-Local Hackathon attended for 2 years || Learned MIT App Inventor, React JS, Databases, and Node JS. Created many different projects using these tools such as a twitter bot


-Residency: Illinois

-Class/Race: Middle class indian male

-My essays are 8/10(Reviewed by professional tutors)

You are in the ballpark but CS has become very competitive. Be sure you apply EA because they do the fill the class almost entirely in EA.

If you are needing merit, be aware that Purdue is stingy with awards.