Chance me for Purdue CS

Applying EA
Indian Male; Middle class
Test Scores:
SAT: 1500/1600 (800 Math, 700 Ela); Took December 2019
APs: AP CSA (5), AP Physics 1 (4), AP Lang (5), AP Stats (5), AP Psychology (4),
Self studied Physics and Psych
Currently taking: AP Calc AB, AP Micro,AP Physics 2
GPA:UW: 3.933 W: 4.5
Rank: Top 3%

  • Track (4 years; varsity since sophomore)
  • XC ( 4 years)
  • Model UN (11- Present)
  • Youth & Gov (10- Present)
  • VP of Tutoring National Honor Society (11-present)
  • Officer @ Volunteering program at a local temple; (10-present)
  • Internship at IT company (summer)
  • Innovation & Entrepreneurship Club (IEC) → presented a business pitch to local entrepreneurs and school board members
    Other Details:
  • Student of my school’s STEM Academy; currently working on my CAPSTONE
  • Awards: president’s volunteer service (gold); 1st AMC Competition in school; AP Scholar w/ Distinction
  • Listed few coding and research projects I completed on app

Last I heard, Purdue had an 18-20% acceptance rate for CS. If you are in-state, you may get a little bump in those odds. You appear to be a reasonably strong candidate.

Thank you for your response. I am an OOS student.

You seem super for Purdue without any issue.

These from our OOS high school have been denied in recent years:
4.152 WGPA and 1510
4.049 and 1500
4.216 and 1470
4.228 and 1410
3.923 and 1490

Many around this level were accepted starting at around 1350 SAT and 4.0 WGPA.
~4.2 WGPA is top 10%

Not sure what those denied applicants chose as a major, but you look very good in comparison. Leadership in activities always seems to help add a third leg to the stool.