chance me for some colleges plz


<p>class rank: top 20 percent at westford academy, top 20 school in massachusetts
serious course rigor, will have taken 9 APs by the end of senior year, so far i got 3 5's</p>

<p>2240 SAT (780 M 740 Crit 720 W) single score, taken twice (2250 superscore)</p>

<p>750 Bio 750 chem 750 physics, 750 math I 750 math II</p>

<p>E.C's science team, red cross, speech and debate, black belt in karate (5 yrs), SAT help for younger middle school students will give 100 hours of community service</p>

<p>awards: Boston Brain Bee 2nd place out of 50, academic excellence award</p>

<p>Research: Potential internship with esteemed doctor</p>

<p>please do not sugar coat it, of course constructive criticism is valued, but if you feel inclined to tell me i will not get in, that will only be motivation so it is appreciated.</p>

<p>will chance back, u mich, wake, UVA, BC, Northwestern (VA and north are super reaches, i know), UCLA</p>

<p>btw I am fairly positive i can get my SAT's to about 2350</p>

<p>ty in advance</p>

<p>bump lol, ill chance back…</p>

<p>I agree that NU and UVA are reaches (and are hard to predict for anybody, particularly someone from the East Coast), but you should be fine with the rest. Good luck.</p>

<p>thanks london! anyone else? and any suggestions are welcome!</p>

<p>It would help to know gpa and other stats, as we can really only judge chances from a quick look at numbers and your ECs. That said, your SAT is a good score right now — UVA is a reach, but I know someone who got into Northwestern with a worse SAT, no hook, and a not particularly outstanding gpa, so I see it as a distinct possibility to get admitted there. Of course, your intended major might help/hurt admissions at some schools — what are you thinking for a focus, if you have any idea? Also, your “potential research opportunity” is just that — potential. I would peruse this if you can actually make this a reality, as it can help make you stand out as a candidate and be a meaningful experience that might help you in your essay/interviews. </p>

<p>Overall, I’d say that with current info you’ve provided, you have a good shot at most of your schools, with Northwestern and UVA being the farthest reaches. UCLA seems like a match to me, but more info would help. </p>

<p>Hope this helps :)</p>

<p>[Chance</a> me here for some LACs! :)](<a href=“]Chance”></p>

<p>thanks for the input babbit. yeah as for GPA, i think by the end of junior year, I should just have a 3.7 unweighted, weighted like a 3.85. I know it is not stellar for my ideal colleges :confused: I kinda messed up sophomore year and had a lack luster freshman year. I kicked my **** this year though. And as for the research, I think it will be helpful, my brother has a few connections haha. Another concern of mine is will colleges that I apply for in January look at not only my first sem grades, but my GPA as well? If I send them an updated GPA will they look at that most definitely? If so I think I can pull some clutch A’s in A.P’s and help my chances out. Thanks again everyone, anyone else have any opinions? Please chance me for emory as well.</p>

<p>Also, if someone could answer whether or not getting a 2350 would help my chnaces? I am not being a smart-ass, it is just that I already tok it twice, but I am fairly positive i can get the 2350 if i work on my writing/vocab</p>

<p>well I appreciate the suggestion, but I am not really looking to do any transferring, I would rather just go to a school, be it top tier or lesser, and get a high GPA and apply for med school. Even if i get a 4.0 i am not going to try and transfer to a brand name. I do not think community college is the right option for me, thanks though.</p>

<p>SAT + Ecs -> probably all the state schools (UCLA, Cal, etc.)
Don’t know about privates because they can be unpredictable.
Your ECs are very low. Try aiming for something on state/nat level (ie: nat science bowl)
Still, for the schools you are looking at, I would say most if not all are a good fit.</p>

<p>Chance me back?
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