Chance me for Stanford Early Action!

<p>lol i'm gonna find out in 12 days!!!! should i even hope for it? hate being sad :(</p>

<p>GPA (unweighted): 4.0
GPA (weighted): 4.4ish (4.67 junior year)
My school doesn't rank - SUPER competitive, in the top 100 schools in the nation</p>

<p>SAT Reasoning: 2370 (790 CR, 780 Math, 800 Writing)
SAT Subject Tests: 800 Math Level 2, 790 Chemistry, 740 US History</p>

<p>AP Scores: 5 Calc BC, 5 Chemistry, 5 US History
Senior Year Courses: Physics, AP Statistics, Contemp Lit, French 5 AP, Bio AP, Econ AP, Gov AP</p>

<p>Activities and awards
- Competitions Director for DECA (business club, #1 chapter in CA, over 200 members)
- DECA awards at Norcal and State 1st place in Marketing Research, 1st place Retail Marketing, 3rd place Economics...
- delegate to the International Career Development Conference in Florida!
- National French Honor Society Treasurer
- California Scholarship Federation - 3 years Life Member
- Student tutor in Study Buddy program for 2 years
- over 200 volunteer hours
- lessons at Dance Academy USA
- Link Crew
- my school's Indian club - i performed in the annual show every year
- National Science Honor Society member
- National Merit Commended (screwed up the psat cr section haha)
- AP Scholar</p>

<p>I wrote one essay about DECA and one about moving from India when I was 12... tell me if you wanna read them</p>

<p>(also applying to Upenn, MIT, NYU, USC, Berkeley, UCLA, UCSD, and Davis cuz i already know i'm accepted!)</p>


<p>wow, amazing. Why aren't you applying to the Ivies? You have a shot at all of them. Your stats are way better than mine...</p>

<p>And... I have qualms about your essay. I heard they hate essays about immigration...</p>

i tried to make my essay unique.. lol the first sentence has 'Disneyland!' in it
and i couldn't think of anything else big enough to write about so i settled on that :(</p>

<p>yeah i'm mostly just worried about the essay and the fact that only about 2/100 applicants from my school get accepted to stanford every year. Yeah they hate my school cuz we're annoyingly competitive and in the bay area (they want to be geographically diverse)</p>

<p>I don't think it has anything to do with being annoyingly competitive, your school rank should play to your advantage. There's no such thing as a school quota, they'll take the most qualified applicants and that's that.</p>

<p>Your scores and GPA are fine, your EC's aren't shabby, don't worry about it.</p>

<p>It all depends on the essay, because while you're a very qualified applicant, Stanford has their pick from thousands of equally competitive students. You should know if your essay's unique, not think, and if you're confident in what you've written it'll probably end up the same.</p>

<p>Was the DECA essay for the intellectually engaging topic? Because that's either your weak link or your strong point, anyone can write an essay on an EC they love, but if you distinguished it enough I think that'll work great.</p>

<p>My common app extracurricular essay is about DECA. For the intellectual one, I wrote specifically about a business plan I created for my Marketing class. It's an idea for a product called 'iSeek' that is basically a personal locator - you have the device and tags that you can attach on items you misplace frequently like glasses/keys etc and it finds the exact location within 300 ft =)
lol and we had the techonology and the marketing strategies all worked out
hahaha our catch phrase was "I seek, you seek, we all seek iSeek!"
lol too immature? <em>cringe</em></p>

<p>Nah, I think that's just fine, it's not immature. haha good luck!</p>

<p>anyone else?</p>

<p>omg 5 days!!! :(</p>

<p>Those are very strong academics. The only thing that MIGHT hurt your chances is your list of ECs. Good luck!</p>

<p>yeah i agree with sup. .you don't show that much leadership other waise i am envious of your gpa gr.... great stats.</p>

<p>You have a very good shot at Stanford. I wouldn't be surprised if you got in. Amazing SAT and SAT IIs + perfect GPA + competitive high school + great ECs w/leadership positions = excellent chance at top schools.</p>

<p>Berkeley: match - safe match
UCLA: safe match - safety
UCSD: safety
UCD: safety
USC: safe match - safety
NYU: safety
Penn: high match - match</p>

<p>You have a very good shot at MIT, too.</p>

<p>did you make it? I'm really interested. I got deferred...</p>

<p>no didn't make it :(</p>

<p>WHAT?! Seriously? Did you at least get deferred? Your scores completely own mine...</p>

<p>nope not deferred</p>


<p>You know, you must be Asian bc I saw a ton of stats of people who got in that were worse than you.</p>

<p>Were you considered an international?</p>

<p>lol yeah indian</p>

<p>not international
just indian
and from a school that has a really bad reputation... 70% asian and too much cheating/hacking going on</p>

<p>Still, this demonstrates how much of a crapshoot getting into the top schools can be. I also got rejected, much to my dismay. Admissions are so unpredictable when it comes to HYPS. Best of luck!</p>

moving from India when I was 12


<p>That seems to suggest that you'd be considered an international, though I guess not.</p>