<p>Chance me for Stanford, UC Berkeley, Cornell, MIT, Princeton, Columbia, and UPenn
Hey guys. So I am a rising junior and I thought this would be a good time to start thinking about the final touches to my resume that I should make before applying to college. UPenn is my dream school(Wharton and Jerome Fisher dual degree specifically) and I really want an opinion on how I'll fare. Here is my resume:</p>
<p>I go to one of the best(top 5) high schools for math and science and STEM-ranked by US News and World Report
GPA: 96.04 --no class rank is given
SAT(from practice tests): 2320 -- I am pretty sure I will replicate this
SAT II: Math2-800 Physics-800
APs: I took 6 and they're all 5s and I dont feel like listing them</p>
<p>Extracurriculars(I copied directly from my resume so please bear):
Research intern at Rutgers BioMaPS Institute for Quantitative Biology:
• Will have papaer published by end of 2013-2014 school year
Founder of two clubs and acting president of one of them
United States Physics Olympiad(USAPhO):
• Named one of 400 national semi-finalists
Euro Challenge:
• National Semi - Finalist</p>
<p>New Jersey Physics I League:
• High School Team Member
Columbia Science Honors Program:
• Admitted and attending(2013-2015)
American Computer Science League:
• National School Representative to the All Star Competition (2013)
• 4th Place Team Member
Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA) Stock Market Game:
• Captain of the National Capitol Hill Challenge Winners (2013)
Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA) Stock Market Game:
• Captain of the New Jersey and regional winners Year Long Division (2013)
Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA) Stock Market Game:
• Captain of the New Jersey and regional winners Spring Division (2013)
Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA) Stock Market Game:
• Captain of the New Jersey and regional winners Diversification Challenge(2013)
US Geography Challenge:
• New Jersey State First Place and National Qualifier (2013)
Certified by Oracle Workforce Development Program in Java SE:
• Certificate in Java Programming Language using Java SE6 (2012)
Kellenberg High School Academic Team Tournament:
• Second Place(2012)
National History Bowl:
• Team Member of the New Jersey State Champions (2012)
• Team Member of the Fourth Place Team at Nationals (2012)</p>
I play squash and sing Indian classical music(carnatic music)</p>
400+ hours including one summer in New Delhi India working at a school for disabled children</p>
<p>Plans for this year(* indicates that it is a competition and that it is uncertain what level I will get to):</p>
<p>NHS Induction(I have all the credentials just need to submit)
Submit my paper to a few local science fairs and Intel and Siemens(most likely the later two will be during my senior year)*
USAPhO(wanna get semi-finalist again)*
I'm also in the process of developing a Financial Analytics API and a website that aids in the creation of research papers and they should be release later this year.
Take 3 more APs</p>
<p>Ethnicity: Indian(Asian)
Income Bracket: $250,000+</p>
<p>Also I'm in the most challenging classes in my school so if that adds anything.</p>
<p>Any help/suggestions/comments would be great. Is this a good path to continue on or should I change to something different/or add something. Thanks again for the advice!</p>