CHANCE Me for the Ivies??!

<p>Hello everyone! This would be my first thread on here, so I'd just like to extend a hello to everyone.</p>

<p>I need some advice or help choosing match schools!</p>

<p>Im considering pursuing post secondary education in the states, and since I know next to nothing of US schools I was wondering if anyone could give me some input on good schools? Right now I'm at a canadian high school, so the stats may be a little different</p>

<p>It would also serve well to inform you all that my high school is structured a little differently from other schools. Usually, the high school encompasses 4 years of study. However, over here my junior high school includes grade 9, and the high school only has grade 10, 11, and 12.</p>

Grade 9: 76
Grade 10: 90
Grade 11: 86
Grade 12: TBA</p>

<p>My school offers no AP classes or IB program, or anything of the sort, so I'm just taking plain old classes. I happen to be a male, Chinese citizen. Probably would need some form of financial aid as well.</p>

<p>ECs: Jazz band (1 yr), symphony orchestra (1 yr), yearbook team - section editor (1 yr), multicultural assembly (1 yr), as well as various little insignificant clubs and the sort. Cancer society, have a heart, classical music club, etc etc</p>

<p>SAT: Hm...bout that. I took a practice test with absolutely no prior study, and got a 2060. If I were to take the test in real life, I would probably study until I got a 2200...dont mean to sound ostentatious or heady there. But yea, 2060 with no study, hopefully 2200 + with the real deal.</p>

<p>Major: Health or life sciences. I would like to become a physician.</p>

<p>So....from all this can anyone suggest a good school? Please and thank you (: </p>

<p>Oh, and apart from this could you guys perchance give me a estimate of the probability that I would get into said schools, maybe an estimate of some ivy schools as well?</p>


<p>Your practice SAT results are not as impressive as you seem to think they are. Your ECs sound weak. More information would be needed about the rigor of your schedule.</p>

<p>In sum, your Ivy chances sound poor to me unless you are very highly ranked in your class and have something else going for you that you haven’t revealed. Instead of concentrating on Ivies, you should consider what you actually want in a school and look for that.</p>

<p>^Agreed. There are thousands of applicants to the Ivies who have 2300+ SAT scores along with perfect GPA’s, but they’ve probably taken a load of AP/IB courses as well. Your GPA is very below average for Ivy prospects. And as far as the EC’s go…one-year commitments here and there will get you nothing in return. Ultimately, you sound like a very lackluster applicant to schools of this caliber.</p>

<p>I also think you should reconsider why you’re looking at these schools. There are plenty of capable universities in Canada which you could attend, as well as schools in the US that are more suited to your needs and statistics. Unless this is just a post out of curiosity, it seems like you’re just interested in the prestige factor of the Ivy League. Choosing a school based solely on this aspect is a grave mistake.</p>

<p>Good luck with your college search! If you have any more questions or need clarification, just ask!</p>