Good US university for me?

<p>Hello everyone! First thread on here, so I'd just like to extend a hello to everyone. </p>

<p>Im considering pursuing post secondary education in the states, and since I know next to nothing of US schools I was wondering if anyone could give me some input on good schools? Right now I'm at a canadian high school, so the stats may be a little different :D</p>

<p>It would also serve well to inform you all that my high school is structured a little differently from other schools. Usually, the high school encompasses 4 years of study. However, over here my junior high school includes grade 9, and the high school only has grade 10, 11, and 12. </p>

Grade 9: 76
Grade 10: 90
Grade 11: 86
Grade 12: TBA</p>

<p>My school offers no AP classes or IB program, or anything of the sort, so I'm just taking plain old classes. I happen to be a male, Chinese citizen. Probably would need some form of financial aid as well. </p>

<p>ECs: Jazz band (1 yr), symphony orchestra (1 yr), yearbook team - section editor (1 yr), multicultural assembly (1 yr), as well as various little insignificant clubs and the sort. Cancer society, have a heart, classical music club, etc etc </p>

<p>SAT: Hm...bout that. I took a practice test with absolutely no prior study, and got a 2060. If I were to take the test in real life, I would probably study until I got a 2200...dont mean to sound ostentatious or heady there. But yea, 2060 with no study, hopefully 2200 + with the real deal. </p>

<p>Major: Health or life sciences. I would like to become a physician. </p>

<p>So....from all this can anyone suggest a good school? Please and thank you (:</p>

<p>Oh, and apart from this could you guys perchance give me a estimate of the probability that I would get into said schools, maybe an estimate of some ivy schools as well? </p>


<p>If I may clarify a bit, I’m looking for a school which will afford me a good level of education in the sciences. As for whether or not I would get INTO said school is a secondary matter for me. Please dont just recomend the schools you would think I’d get into, even the ones I have no CHANCE of getting into would be nice as well! Thanks!</p>

<p>EDIT: what’s my rationale for asking for those schools that I cant get into? I suppose it would be… just being able to know about them. I currently know little of good schools within the states, and maybe I could see what makes a particular school so great.</p>

<p>chances at an ivy are low. SAT’s are a bit below average and grades are well below. There are a gazillion colleges and universities in the US that could prepare you for med school (well, maybe more like 500-1000).</p>

<p>Northeastern University and Boston University in Boston.</p>

<p>American University and George Washington University in DC.</p>

<p>Fordham University in NYC.</p>