Chance me for the UC's beside UCB and UCM

Weighted GPA: 3.86

Non-weighted GPA: 3.58

UC GPA: 3.86

Ethnicity: South Korean

Gender: Female

Income: ~120K

Major: Biology/Undecided

ACT: 30 (35E, 28M, 28R, 29S)

EC: Volunteering at local animal shelter, Big Brother Big Sister, marching band 9th grade, debate club 10th and 11th, intermediate acting class 11th grade, piano for 10 years, JV tennis team 9th grade, art club 11th grade

Major Award(s): Won a $2,500 scholarship for a video contest about cyber security and met the attorney general of my state

Essays: Everyone who read them said they were amazing, 9/10.

Weaknesses: No AP classes (school offered minimal AP classes) and taking 3 classes senior year (dropped classes because ended up in hospital for a couple weeks)

I think you are a competitive candidate for UCR and probably UCSC. The others will be a stretch,
Good luck

I agree with the above post that UCR/UCSC are matches for you. I just would like to add that the information you provided such as ethnicity, gender and household income are not factors of admission when it comes to the University of California.