Chance me for UCs please

-Citizenship: US Citizen living in SoCal
-Class: Upper middle
-Race: Asian (Korean)
-Gender: Female

-Type (Public/private & size): Extremely competitive public, with ~3000 students
-Graduates (How many go to Ivy’s/top 20): usually around 10-15
-AP’s Offered: most of them

Academic Profile:
-Unweighted GPA: 3.7 (Unfortunately, I have a downward trend in my grades, but an upward trend in the difficulty of classes)
-Weighted GPA: UC GPA: 4.2
-AP’s: will have taken 9 by end of senior year
-ACT: 31 (Retaking in September, hoping for 33)
-SAT II: Taking in September
-Rank: Only top 30% because I go to an incredibly competitive high school
-Course Rigor: took the most rigorous possible

EC (In order of importance/commitment):
-Part of the school newspaper, served as Asst. News Editor, News Editor, and Photo Editor (3 years)
-Unification of Disabled Latin Americans district club, served as vice president and president (4 years)
-California Scholarship Federation member (3 years)
-PAWS club, served as secretary (1 year)
-Link Crew Leader (2 years)
-Leo club member (2 years)
-Human Trafficking awareness club member (2 years)

Other Notables (College courses you’ve taken, papers published, created own website, TAing a class, ect):
-Took Biology 101 at a CC

-Rookie of the Year award for school newspaper
-President’s award for UDLA
-2 other smaller awards for UDLA
-Editor of the year award for school newspaper
-6th place in critical review for East LA JEA competition
-3rd place in newspaper layout for Southern California JEA competition

-Summer internship for a small business
-private tutoring for middle schoolers
-hired as a photographer for portraits and events (ex. wedding anniversary)

Schools I’m looking at:
-UC Berkeley
-UC Irvine

Intended major?
What are your safety schools? What other schools are you applying besides the UC’s listed?

I’m hoping to do human biology, although I’m still considering other biology majors. I’m applying to all UCs and CSUs.

Bumping your ACT score to 33+ will help your chances at the top UC’s. As always, UCB/UCLA are tough admits but the rest of the UC’s are within reach. Make sure you write some outstanding personal insight essays.

I do not see a science focus on your EC’s which makes you well rounded but may decrease your chances a bit.

For the CSU’s you look very competitive for all. SLO may be tough due their 14% predicted acceptance rate and that they overenrolled this year, so it will be much tougher next year.

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA (capped weighted) of 4.20 or above:

UCB: 42%
UCLA: 54%
UCSD: 87%
UCSB: 85%
UCD: 91%
UCI: 94%
UCR/UCM: 98%

Best of luck.

You’ve got some good ECs with leadership positions. The UC app is a funny one giving you lots of chances to show how you excel at different things. PM me if you want more info. Too long to explain here.

Thank you!