Chance Me For the UC's

Can you guys chance for all of the UC schools? The GPA I provided is the UC GPA I expect to receive at the end of this year. The subject tests are the average I have been getting on practice tests that I have taken so far.

UC GPA:3.43


Chem Subject Test: 750

Physics Subject Test: 770

Biology E Subject Test: 780

Biology M Subject Test: 770

Math Level 1 Subject Test: 790

Math Level 2 Subject Test: 780

US History Subject Test: 730

World History Subject Test: 740

I have played volleyball my freshman and sophomore year and marching band in my senior. I have also done 50+ volunteering hours at the local library and have recently started at the California Science Center. I also plan to work at a math tutoring institution over the summer. I am board of a cultural club and Unicef, as well as a member of MUN, Med Club, and another local volunteering club.

I plan to apply as a Biology major and I am an in-state resident. I live in Irvine, California, the same city as UCI, don’t know if that will make a difference.

I’m confident in my extracurriculars, test scores, and other factors. What I am really scared about is my GPA, which is so low cause I never tried during sophomore year and only actually started trying a month ago. Can my GPA be overlooked when taking into account the rest of my application? And how can I cover up for my GPA further? Thanks.

Are you a Senior or a Junior? I am assuming a Junior? UC’s do not give priority to local applicants like the Cal States. Why so many Subject tests? UC’s only recommend 2 subject tests for only a few majors.

I am a Junior. Graduating class of 2019. I’m taking so many subject tests because my GPA is low. That’s why I’m trying to cover it up with other areas.

UC’s are very GPA focused so your GPA will hurt your chances. SAT Subject tests are not required and only recommended so they will not make up a lower GPA. Your SAT I score will weigh more heavily than your Subject tests in the admission process. All the UC’s use 14 areas of criteria to review your application so your essays, EC’s and HS course rigor will all contribute to your chances.

Your SAT score is excellent which does indicate you are a capable student, but it may be a little too late to overcome your GPA and your lack of motivation. Really no way to cover up your GPA since consistency in grades (GPA) is a better indicator of college success then test scores.

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.40-3.79:

UCB: 2%
UCLA: 3%
UCSD: 6%
UCD: 15%
UCSB: 14%
UCI: 13%
UCSC: 59%
UCR: 78%
UCM: 92%

25th - 75th percentiles for SAT:

UCB: 1280-1490

UCLA: 1280-1500
UCSD: 1250-1470
UCSB: 1210- 1450
UCD: 1190-1430
UCI: 1190-1420
UCSC: 1170-1380
UCR: 1090-1310
UCM: 1020-1230

So your SAT score puts above the 75th percentile while your GPA is really only competitive for UCR and UCM. UCSC might also be possible, so if you are not happy with these possible options, you might want consider attending a community college, get a competitive GPA and transfer to a more competitive UC.

6 of the 9 UC’s offer TAG (Transfer Admission Guarantee). If you take the required courses and meet the specific GPA requirement, you are guaranteed to admission to any of the UC’s that participate (UCM,UCR,UCSC,UCD,USCB and UCI).

Definitely apply but also consider some competitive Cal States such as SLO, SDSU, CSULB as possible options and apply widely.

Best of luck

Thanks so much. I have considered a few Calstate’s and I know that transferring from CC is always an option. Its just that my GPA is, as you said, really low. But I am confident that I can get all A’s for the next semesters since I have been receiving a lot of A’s recently, although it didn’t do much to help my grades too much this semester. So I am confident in receiving all A’s next semester. Would that improvement in effort and motivation be reflected and recognized in applications? Also, Is the number of SAT Subject Tests actually not that important? I thought they were a big deal.

An upward trend is always helpful but since the UC’s only use 10-11th grades in their GPA calculation, it does make up for the last 1 1/2 years of not trying and since you do not have a compelling reason/hardship to account for the lower grades that can be addressed in your personal insight essays.

Regarding subject tests, these are the UC recommendations for the majors posted:

Again, for the top UC’s having competitive subject test scores can help but you still need the overall package including competitive grades.

A 3.43 is nothing to be embarrassed about but, it won’t get you into UCI. UCM probably, UCR, maybe… the rest, probably not. Any CSU but CPSLO would be thrilled to have you for most programs. Take a look at SDSU, CSULB are great schools and worth a look. If you are looking for a residential campus, Chico and Sonoma are also worth a tour.

You have done well and have lots of options open to you.

Good luck.

Apply to some privates. With those test scores, you have a really good chance since they don’t put as much weight on GPA as the UCs.