Chance me for the UCs


<p>Indian from Southern California
Attend extremely prestigious high school</p>

<p>UC GPA: 4.12
SAT I: CR - 760, M - 610, W - 690 = 2050
SATII: US - 730, Bio - 700, Lit - 660</p>

<p>Have taken 8/13 possible APs at my school, including
AP US History (5)
AP Biology (4)
AP Language and Composition (4)
AP European History
AP Chemistry
AP Calculus AB
AP Literature
AP Government</p>

<p>Junior Classes:
Pre-Calculus HP
AP Biology
AP Language and Composition
Physics HP
Anatomy and Physiology
AP US History</p>

Computer Club President
Athletic Publication Committee: Editor in Chief
Instrumental Music Vice President
Symphonic Orchestra principal musician
Varsity policy debater
National Honor Society Vice President
Student Body Senate member
Track and field varsity thrower</p>

Platinum/Gold award for academic excellence
Award for Excellence (2x) AP US History
AP Scholar award
Policy Debate MVP
Award of Excellence - National Forensics League
~500 volunteer hours
Work experience</p>

<p>Essays: One is about earning my track letter, the other is about growing up in a small town, and how that affected me.</p>

<p>Recs: Pretty good, one from Calculus teacher, one from US/Euro history teacher, counselors know me well</p>

<p>Please chance me for all the UCs. Thanks</p>

<p>UCB/UCLA: match-high match
UCSD: low match
UCI/UCD/UCSB- safeties- high safeties</p>

<p>UCSC/UCR/UCM- Extremely high reaches but maybe your Computer Club Presidency will decide it.</p>

<p>umm. you mean UCSC/UCR/UCM are extremely high safaties??</p>

<p>I think you have a good chance at Cal or UCLA
Better chance at UCSD
and 100% at rest
If you are ELC, then you are pretty much gauranteed admission to most of the lower and midder-tier UC's</p>

<p>high reaches</p>

<p>OoPurestOo... I honestly dont understand how you judge reaches and safeties. Perhaps you need to refresh on their definitions. Unless you're intentionally giving misleading information for your amusement, in which case it'd be better if you didn't. Some people take these chances very seriously.</p>

<p>safety= 80% or better
match about 50-70%
slight reach- 35-50%
reach- 20-35%
High reach- 0-20%</p>

<p>UCR, UCSC and UCM are solid, solid safeties. They probably would give you a Regents and a free ride if you decided to attend.</p>

<p>And you're claiming that the top-tier UCs with acceptance rates of 20% are matches, but the low-tier UCs with acceptance rates of 70-80% are REACHES? Wow. Don't know where you learned about probability.</p>

<p>Riverside and Merced guarantee acceptance to everyone above the minimum standards, and the OP is far above those standards. </p>

<p>In fact, I'd say his chances are the exact opposite of what you said, with UCR/UCSC/UCM as guaranteed, UCI, UCSB, and UCD as safeties, UCSD as match, and UCLA/Cal as slight reach-match.</p>


<p>Mercurial, lol... i think Purest -and i- are laughing pretty darn loud right now cuz he obviously did that on purpose, cuz those 3 lower uC's are 99% safe nets for OP... jeezz... haha</p>

<p>UCB/UCLA - slight reach
UCSD - match
UCD/UCSB/UCI - safety
UCSC/UCR/UCM - low safety (and I know sarcasm is hard to pick up on the internet, but Purest was obviously joking about these)</p>

<p>Yeah, I got the joke lol. Does anyone know what the UCs do with grades?</p>