Chance me for Top 20 Business Programs!

Demographics: Middle-class Asian Male, US citizen

State/Location of residency: NY
Type of high school: Public, suburban

Intended Major(s): Finance or Economics

Unweighted HS GPA: 3.9/4.0, Weighted 4.50
College GPA (for transfers):
Class Rank: NA
SAT Score: 1580
Took a total of 14 APs (2 soph. yr, 6 jr. yr, 6 sen. yr) with nine 5s and five 4s.

Maybe a weaker part of my application, not too many HUGE recognitions, but won awards for writing and leadership.

  • Innovation in Education Scholarship Recipient
  • Humanity Rising Young Innovator Scholarship Recipient
  • Foyle Young Poet of The Year (Top 100/~16,000)
  • American Debate League Championships National 3rd Place (in a team of 2)
  • DECA 1st In Region, 3rd in State, International Career Development Conference Qualifier


  • CEO and Editor-in-Chief of an intentional arts organization (can’t disclose name) with 200,000 total viewers from 111 countries and 4 major branches (microgrant, magazine, summer program, and international gallery).
  • Founder of an international literary magazine with 7 issues, 25,000 readers from all major continents, and organized the largest completely youth-run writing contest ever with cash prizes and established judges.
  • Started a countywide volunteer project to share foreign foods with the homeless, raised $20,000 in 4 years, recognized by Humanity Rising, impacted 8,300 with our projects, manage 35 members from 5 school districts, 6 partnerships with 501c3s.
  • Poetry Writer w/ publications in 20+ literary journals and anthologies, recognized by The New York Times, The Poetry Society, National Federation of Student Poetry, The National Poetry Quarterly, etc.
  • Varsity Track for all 4 years, captain; qualified for States in the Long Jump, broke our school’s freshman, sophomore, and junior records, 3x league champion.
  • Varsity Football for 2 years, team captain.
  • Top 15 ranked junior table tennis player (USATT 2100) in the state of New York
  • American Debate League Public Forum Debater w/ many regional accolades and most notably 3rd Place at the national championships.
  • DECA ICDC Qualifier and 2x Regional 1st Place
  • Attended LaunchX and Wharton Leadership in the Business World (both ~15 percent acceptance rates)

Strong essays, I am very confident in these because they’ve worked for scholarships in the past, and I started well in advance. Also, I am a creative writer which helps a lot.

How competitive am I for schools such as

  • Upenn
  • Harvard
  • Yale
  • Stanford
  • Northwestern
  • University of Michigan
  • NYU
    … and other top schools with strong business programs?

Thank you!

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