Chance me for top CS schools!


Not much I can do. I don’t think their FA can be any better than the T20s though. Thanks for all the helpful info!


Waitlisted at Northeastern. Was hoping to get in for the NMSF scholarship but oh well. Probably was yield protected.

Accepted: USC (Scholarship for trustee’s), Yale (likely call), Purdue, UIUC, UC Berkeley (Regent’s and Chancellor’s), Harvard (likely letter), Stanford (likely letter), UC Davis (Regent’s), UCI, UCSB
Waitlisted: UMich, Northeastern
Rejected: Cornell, UDub, GaTech

Super nervous for UCLA, UCSD, and MIT!!!

Why nervous?? With those acceptances, likely letters and calls in hand, I wouldn’t be worrying about the rest!!

Mostly MIT and UCLA. @HiToWaMom

@GoBears2023 will the recent college admissions scandal affect your decision in any way? Just curious…

Eh just go to Harvard and call it a day.

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@GoBears2023 …happy Pi day…hope you got good news from MIT (not that it matter…you already have great admits including Stanford)

Which school do you want to go the most? (If you don’t have to worry about the finance)

Waitlisted at MIT

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Oooooh I’m sorry! :frowning:

Is it correct that you are waiting for just UCLA and UCSD… and the financial packages from all of the colleges that admitted you? (the latter may be the most important remaining thing)


No, I am still waiting for UPenn, Brown, and Princeton on Ivy Day. I am also waiting on CMU.

Forgot to do my usual update:
Accepted: USC (Scholarship for trustee’s), Yale (likely call), Purdue, UIUC, UC Berkeley (Regent’s and Chancellor’s), Harvard (likely letter), Stanford (likely letter), UC Davis (Regent’s), UCI, UCSB, UCSC
Waitlisted: UMich, Northeastern, MIT
Rejected: Cornell, UDub, GaTech

I am pretty sad about MIT. I thought I would be admitted and I wasn’t. I really fell hard for their CS program and the people there were some of the smartest people I have ever met. However, I won’t be losing sleep over it and I was happy to have at least been considered for a spot in their Class of 2023.


Yes, the scandal has been at the back of my mind for the entire day. I don’t know how it will affect my college decision. In case anyone is curious, here’s my ranking of the colleges I’ve accepted to:

  1. Stanford / Harvard (really don't know how I'm going to decide ... both are super awesome schools)
  2. UC Berkeley (Assuming I get Regent's, but overall it is much cheaper and has the #1 CS Program in the US)
  3. Yale (I mean, it's Yale?)
  4. USC (Assuming I get the scholarship offer, it would be affordable and I wouldn't have to work)
  5. UIUC (Really strong CS program, OOS FA though is meh)
  6. UCSB (It's the next highest UC and it is pretty nice. May be replaced by UCSD tmr)
  7. Purdue (my first acceptance, I love you forever bb)
  8. UCI (Pretty strong CS + Game Development major, I would be happy going here)
  9. UC Davis (Cows go MOOOOOOOOOOOOO)
  10. UCSC (Great Game Development major but not the type of atmosphere I like)

Good Luck to All.

@GoBears2023 I assume, based on your applications, that you live in California. Have you factored the cost of transportation into your decision?

Rejected at UDub Honors?

Yes, I have thought about transportation costs.


Scored a 11 on the AIME I. Will be most likely qualifying for the USAMO this year. I have started practicing for the USAMO and hopefully make MOP.

Didn’t you get rejected to UT Austin?


Yeah, I’m sorry. Here’s the updated list. It’s really hard to keep track of all these colleges.

Accepted: USC (Scholarship for trustee’s nominee), Yale (likely call), Purdue, UIUC, UC Berkeley (Regent’s and Chancellor’s nominee), Harvard (likely letter), Stanford (likely letter), UC Davis (Regent’s), UCI, UCSB, UCSC
Waitlisted: UMich, Northeastern, MIT
Rejected: Cornell, UDub, GaTech, UT Austin

@GoBears2023 - how many universities did you apply? - seems like it’s around 25 apps (based on your posts), wondering how many essays/supplements you had to work on to complete these apps. I understand that some of the supplements/essays can be reused/repurposed but trying to assess the amount of work in terms of ‘almost’ unique essays you could have worked on to send all the apps.


List to where I applied:
All the UCs except UCM and UCR
WPI (withdrawn) → Didn’t need them, Purdue already gave me a larger scholarship than they could offer
RPI (withdrawn) → Didn’t need them, Purdue already gave me a larger scholarship than they could offer

I started essay writing around the start of my second semester in junior year (Christmas break included). I already knew where I wanted to apply, so I was able to finish all my UCs and Common App Personal Statement by the start of summer. Then. during the summer, I ground out Cornell and all of my early schools. I finished those around the start of September. After that, I worked on the rest of them, prioritizing essays based on due dates.