Chance me for top CS schools!

Purdue has given you a financial package that is affordable?


I got a merit scholarship and the FA wasnt bad. Combined together I might be able to afford it if I work a little during each semester.


Got into UCSB (confirmed) and now waiting on Northwestern which should be coming out some time this week. Pretty nervous since I fell in love with their engineering program and business school.

How many of the schools have delivered financial packages / net prices?


Purdue and UIUC. Still waiting on the others. I called some of the FA offices at the other colleges and received some estimates as well, but they are not final.


Accepted into UCSD. Rejected to UCLA and Northwestern.

Accepted: USC (Scholarship for trustee’s nominee), Yale (likely call), Purdue, UIUC, UC Berkeley (Regent’s and Chancellor’s nominee), Harvard (likely letter), Stanford (likely letter), UC Davis (Regent’s), UCI, UCSB, UCSC, UCSD
Waitlisted: UMich, Northeastern, MIT
Rejected: Cornell, UDub, GaTech, UT Austin, UCLA, Northwestern

wow, so the UCB/UCLA “one or the other” monster strikes again. I was afraid of that. I’ve heard that from so many EECS/CS parents.

UCSD directly into the CSE major or not? (Same question could apply to others where direct admission to CS is possible, but does not always happen, when someone is admitted to the school.)

omg, how are you that good? I am only AIME qualifier rip and you are olympiad king. MIT I think you have 50% chance along with top Ivy’s

@ProfessorPlum168 , Dd got early into EECS and was waitlisted for CS in UCLA.

I know at least one accepted into UCB, UCLA, and UCSD

Accepted directly into CS at UCSD. It’s kind of a bummer with UCLA but it’s fine. I wasn’t expecting the Northwestern rejection though since their CS program is relatively weak compared to most of the Ivies and t20s.

Lots of practice my friend. I literally have been doing this competition math in my free time since 6th grade. Hard work pays off.

Wow, OP, you have some really awesome choices, congrats! I am sure where ever you decide to attend, you will be very successful. Good luck!

My S2, a sophomore at UCB, was admitted and awarded Regents to EECS and UCLA CSE. His stats are very similar to yours, but no awards/honors like you. Once again, this just shows how random and unpredictable college admissions are!


Thanks for your kind words!

Yeah, it just gets harder and harder every year. I had a friend who got into UCLA CS last year with D’s and C’s in math and ap cs but I have a friend this year who was much more qualified that was rejected.

For perspective, we had a total of 14 people get into UCLA this year compared to 30 last year.

@GoBears2023 , Did you get the Trustee scholarship award from USC? I think scholarship results are out. Do you know FA for most colleges now?


Accepted into Princeton, Brown, UPenn. Officially accepted into Yale and Harvard as well! UCB EECS Regent’s Scholar!

Accepted: USC (Scholarship for trustee’s nominee), Yale (likely call), Purdue, UIUC, UC Berkeley (Regent’s and Chancellor’s Scholar), Harvard (likely letter), Stanford (likely letter), UC Davis (Regent’s), UCI, UCSB, UCSC, UCSD, Brown, UPenn, Princeton
Waitlisted: UMich, Northeastern, MIT
Rejected: Cornell, UDub, GaTech, UT Austin, UCLA, Northwestern

Once i visit my top choices during their admit days (that’s only if I can afford the airfare), i’ll let y’all know where I will be committing. Right now, I believe Stanford, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, UCB, and Brown are at the top. It’ll come down to the people I meet and how I feel on campus. It’s been a crazy day but I’m glad it’s finally over :slight_smile:

Net prices are all good after FA/scholarships?

Unbelievable, congratulations to you!
my son’s stats are similar. he is a concurrent CS student now at the University of Maryland right now so that we can save some money and transfer credits. Your reject list is his accept and vice verse. He did not get into any of his top choices and I feel guilty because I discouraged him, thinking of the costs. Good that your parents didn’t. Best of luck!


Everything checks out. I’ll be receiving full rides to Stanford, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, UCB, and Brown. I confirmed this with the office of FA for all the schools. Super happy and looking forward to committing to one of them!


Thanks so much! My parents were a little hesitant about applying to schools due to the costs. Luckily, everything worked out!