<p>White female from California (does not mean I'm only applying to UC's, would very much like to leave the state.)</p>
<p>Intended major: neuroscience/biology/pre-med</p>
<p>GPA UW: 3.6 GPA W: 4.15</p>
<p>SAT: 2200</p>
<p>APs taken by end of high school: 13</p>
<p>Founding member of internationally ranked synthetic biology competition team
Top-placing competitor in speech & debate, captain for 1 year
VP of french club
AP scholar w/ distinction
High level figure skater
Speak 6 languages</p>
<p>Great letters of rec, excellent essays.</p>
<p>Chance me for good/top schools? Obviously chances are not very high, but which ones have some possibility? I will chance back.</p>
<p>Sat wise you are strong enough for pretty much any school. GPA is hard to tell because I don’t know what’s good for your school but you’ll want to be in the top 5-10% of your class. </p>
<p>For ecs, colleges want to see what you are passionate about through and I’m really seeing that although that biology competition team seems pretty great the rest are kind of unrelated. </p>
<p>The most amazing thing seems to be the 6 languages. That would impress anyone. I myself speak 4 and am impressed. Are you fluent in all of them? If so I would get some sort of certificate as a proof of proficiency or something. This is something that can definitely set you apart. Good luck! </p>
<p>@ttenderly - I think you would be a competitive applicant as long as your high school is considered to be academically challenging, otherwise some of the top colleges might question your GPA.</p>
<p>What do you mean by 13 APs? 13 AP tests? If so, how did you do on the ones you’ve taken so far?</p>
<p>@BldrDad So far I have taken 8 AP tests, I am taking 5 AP’s this year (they are relatively easy ones though, like AP Art - I needed an art class to graduate - and AP Psych.) I’ve gotten 5’s on English Language and Calc BC, 4’s on Biology and World History, 3’s on French (I was much worse back then, I’m near fluent now) and US History, and I had a physics teacher this year who absolutely did not teach (I got an A+ in his class because it was so ridiculously easy) my friends and I tried to study on our own for the test but we got 2’s
I know some schools want all scores so I’m a bit worried, but I do have AP Awards based on my overall AP test performance. Also, I’ve heard from a few people that most schools don’t care about AP scores much during the admissions process, and only look at them after acceptance to determine classes?</p>
<p>@Remi56783 I forgot to mention that I intern at a hospital and volunteer in a medical office. Does that help show more of a focus to my EC’s?</p>
<p>Are 6 languages really impressive, or just sort of a nice addition? I know a lot of people only speak one or two, but I also know there are people who speak 10 or 20–so is 6 really that much? I’m afraid to come across as thinking too highly of myself or my abilities if I try to emphasize this language thing too much.</p>
<p>you have some extremely unique ECs, especially being a polyglot! very interesting, as well as the high ranking synthetic bio thing. the GPA could keep you out of the very top schools, i’m afraid to say, but your best bet would be to apply RD and get good grades senior sem 1 (if you don’t already have an upward trend). I would recommend you look into Tufts, WUSTL, Wellesley, Bowdoin, and possibly a Claremont. Chance back if you have a few minutes? Thank you and good luck</p>
<p>Your GPA is low for top schools. How is your class rank? Did you calculate your UC GPA if you are going to apply to UCs.
It is hard to chance as you do not specify which schools. It depends on what you means by top schools.</p>