chance me for UCLA?

I have 4.8 gpa on 5.0scale
Rank 31/600- will bring it up to 25ishh(i screwed up on one class last semester to lower my rank)
varsity orchestra since 6th grade
All region orchestra every year since 8th grade
State solo&ensemble competiton-4 trustee awards
Interact club (volunteer club) treasurer(11) and vice president(12)
Spanish club treasurer (11) and president(12)
Member of nhs11-12grade
Piano club, mu alpha theta club, key club, avid
8 ap classes by end of senior year
700 volunteering hours
Cashier at work, paid tutor

I haven’t taken the act/sat yet. What score should i shoot for in order to have a chance of getting into ucla?

A solid SAT score would be around 2100. Repost once you have your SAT score. EC’s and GPA look competitive.

UCLA is the most unpredictable UC. Someone with 1700 SAT can get in and with 2250 be rejected. No one can give you accurate prediction for UCLA.

Would it increase my chance of getting in if i apply on the first or second day of opening up applications? Since thry would view my application earlier before they are dreading over the process

Submitting your application early will make no difference on your chances. They wait until all applications are submitted by the Nov 30 deadline and then start reviewing.

Freshman profile from last year:

It shows different percentage of acceptance rates for in state and out of state students. Do they review the applications separately for in state and out of state students? I am an oos. Would that mean that i have roughly 27% chance of getting in instead of 17% cali students?

Yes, in-state and OOS are reviewed separately but you also have to remember that there were almost 4 times as many California applicants vs. OOS, so the acceptance rate is higher for OOS in comparison. You should also note that less OOS applicants actually enrolled and this is probably due to FA. If you are OOS, you will receive little to no FA at any UC, so expect to pay at the minimum $23K/year + your EFC or up to $55K/year. If you are in need of FA, UCLA is not a good choice.