Chance me for UCs

I am an international student from Europe in my senior year doing the IB Diploma.

I am planning to major in Economics and I will be applying to the following UC colleges:

UC Berkeley

My stats:

SAT: 1450 (Math: 760, English: 690)
Unweighted GPA: N/A (My school does not calculate unweighted GPA)
Weighted GPA: N/A (My school does not calculate weighted GPA)
Class Rank: N/A (My school does not rank)
Unweighted UC GPA (I calculated this myself on RogerHub): 3.94

During 9th and 10th grade, I did the IGCSE course (International General Certificate of Secondary Education). Our semester grades are based on the IGCSE grading system (A*-F).

In the external (official) IGCSE exams at the end of 10th grade, I ended up with 8 A* and 2 A (I took the toughest subjects possible e.g. Computer Science, Economics, Physics).

In 9th and 10th grade, I received no semester grades below an A with exception to one B (in English) in the first semester of 10th grade.

At my school, all of us are required to complete the IB Diploma Programme in 11th and 12th grade. We are given semester grades based on the IB grading system (1-7).

So far, I have received no semester grade below a 6 (mostly 7’s) with exception to one 5 (in French) in the first semester of 11th grade.

My IB prediction is the following:

IB Prediction: 44/45

Senior Course Load (Prediction):
IB English A Literature HL (6)
IB Economics HL (7)
IB Computer Science HL (7)
IB Maths SL (7)
IB Physics SL (7)
IB French B SL (7)
Theory of Knowledge & Extended Essay (3 bonus points)

Awards: Nothing major other than winning the Academic Excellence prize three years in a row and the Citizenship award (both at school). I also won the Senior Tennis Award as the best tennis player on the varsity tennis team at school.

Extracurricular Activities:

Varsity Basketball (9th, 10th, 11th & 12th grade)
Varsity Soccer (9th, 10th, 11th & 12th grade)
Varsity Tennis (9th & 10th grade)
I played the piano for 10 years.

Internship/Work Experience:
250 hours of interning in accounting and finance in two different companies over two summers.

Volunteer Work:
Organised multiple events that raised thousands of euros for charity.
150 hours of math tutoring.
250 hours of environmental work such as beach cleanups, tree planting and running the recycling I initiated within my school.

My essays (Personal Insight Questions): Decent (7.5/10)

I also do not require financial aid.

Based on this information, do I have somewhat of a chance of getting accepted into any of the colleges I listed?

Any reply would be much appreciated.

250 hours of environmental work such as beach cleanups, tree planting and running the recycling project I initiated within my school.

GPA is KING at the UCs. UCR, UCSC and UCM are very likely to take you. With a sub 4 UC GPA, the others will be an uphill climb.
good luck,