<p>hey everyone <3 Junior year is coming to an end for me and now I'm starting to get worried about college! below is a list of schools I would love to attend, I'm afraid it might be too much though. So I'm posting this up for chances to see where I can cut down on my college list if necessary.</p>
<p>School List:
UC Berkeley
UPenn Wharton
Princeton (my bf goes here)
NYU Stern
<p>School Type: Magnet School
Location: New York
Race: Korean
Gender: Female
Prospective Major: Finance/Actuarial Sciences (not 100% sure though)
Unweighted GPA: 3.80
Weighted GPA: 4.40
Class rank: School doesn’t rank but GC said I am in top 3% </p>
<p>SAT I: 2370
Math: 800
Critical Reading: 770
Writing: 800 </p>
<p>SAT II Scores
SAT II Korean: 800
SAT II Math IIC: 800
SAT II U.S. History: 750
SAT II Bio (M):750
SAT II Literature: 730 </p>
<p>AP Classes:
Fresh: World (4)
Soph: Euro His (5) Stat (5)
Junior: Eng Lang, Psych, Calc AB, US His, Bio
Senior: Eng Lit, Macro/Micro, Calc BC, Physics C, Chinese</p>
<p>Extracurricular Info
-10 years of piano – performed at Carnegie Hall
-Volleyball Team (9,10,11) Co-Captain (12)
-Swim Team (9,12) Captain (10,11)
-Worked as Swimming Teacher
-SAT Tutor at a Saturday Prep School
-Chess Club VP
-Asian American Club VP
-Ran a chess tournament – raised $1,100
-Ran a volleyball tournament – raised $900
-Class Treasurer (11,12)</p>
<p>Academic Awards (nothing special):
-National Honors Society
-AP Scholar w/ Honor
<p>Getting a Rec from Economics Professor at NYU from summer course and another from my AB/BC Calc teacher</p>
<p>Wow! Performed at Carnegie Hall? That’s crazy, and very impressive.
Your EC accomplishments will definitely be of help.
GPA is slightly low, but your difficult coursework makes up for it.
All Ivies are reaches, you should know that. But I’d say you have a very high chance for UC schools and likely Georgetown.
Being Asian sucks though (I would know). So it’s easier in CA where there’s no affirmative action.</p>
<p>You have a great chance at every single school on there. Too bad it’s hit and miss with some of the top ones, but you’ll definitely get into a good amount of the ivies</p>
<p>Yeah, you def have a good chance at every school on there. Consider adding Columbia & UChicago on your list even though you already have a lot of schools on your list.</p>
<p>Ok, I am knew a past Ivy League admissions officer (I am a parent) and unfortunately, you would seem like a nerd. Try getting safeties, like UofMaryland College Park. Also, you’re Asian…</p>
<p>For these chancings, let 1=as difficult to get into as CC and 10= a 0% chance of being admitted.</p>
<p>HYPSM: Impossible to predict. Your app is excellent however so you should still apply.<br>
Wharton: 9.5/10 - Wharton is almost as competitive as HYPSM (especially for Asians), but you have a chance at getting in.
Duke: 8.25/10
Cornell: Depends on the college at Cornell you apply to, but I’d say 8.5/10 for AEM and 7.5/10 for anything aside from AEM.
Northwestern: 6.6/10
Georgetown (assuming you apply for business): 6.5/10
WUSTL (assuming you apply for business): 6.3/10
NYU Stern: 6/10
UCB: 4/10
UCLA: 3/10
UCSD: 1.5/10
Tufts, BU: no idea</p>
<p>Hello, I am a former admissions officer from Princeton and I would like to give you some advice. I would like to agree with what SmugAsians said and that while your academic achievements are wonderful, you do seem to have no life. Don’t get me wrong, 2370 SAT is great but that is one of the minor things involved. Your extracurricular activities are good but they are a little unbelievable. If you were a senior and submitted it, you would most likely get rejected as we would feel that you have no life and maybe you were lieing about your extracurricular. We rejected many people who got a 36 and a 2400 last year because of what I am telling you. I advise you to aim a bit lower. Good luck</p>
<p>I’m just curious - why do admissions officers reject people who see too “perfect”? I am one of THOSE asian kids who does everything, and excels at a lot of things, and did get a perfect score on the ACT. But that just shows my dedication and commitment, and there’s not a single thing on my application that I’ll be lying about.
Why does it matter whether or not you have a “life” outside your extracurriculars? Why punish the kids who do super well?</p>
<p>Sorry if that sounded a bit rude, but I really am curious and a little bit frustrated as to why I might not be able to get into HYPS.</p>
<p>Tryhards is probably a ■■■■■. Sorry, but I’ve never met a HYPSM admissions officer who can’t spell “lying.” Also, admissions officers never post on CC without “College Rep” status.</p>
<p>@FateGoneAwry16 I figured, especially considering this is the first post he ever made. But I"m still curious - I’ve heard of Tufts Syndrome and other things, and was just wondering why that happens…</p>
<p>@Fotogenik: Thanks for your kind words! Also, I am aware that my GPA is a bit low compared to other applicants at the above schools and that is one of the reasons I am apprehensive about my chances. And yea, being Asian certainly does not help in the college application process. Here is some evidence: [Ivy</a> League Discriminates Against Asians - Business Insider](<a href=“http://www.businessinsider.com/ivy-league-discriminates-against-asians-2012-12]Ivy”>Ivy League Discriminates Against Asians) And as you pointed out, there is also Tufts Syndrome. I think it happens because schools try to protect their yield rate to look more “favorable.”
@friedman: thanks for your suggestions
tbh, the only reason I have not put them on the list is because ppl say these schools are in “bad” neighborhoods.
@SmugAsians: Just your username alone comes off as offensive. Just because there are many high achieving Asians does not mean that we are “smug” and full of ourselves.
@FateGoneAwry: thanks for outlining everything! What ranking would you give Berkeley?
@Tryhards: what would you classify as “having a life” then? Writing about partying and smoking dope on my college app? Also my ECs are not unbelievable; I have met Ivy League applicants that have even more stunning ECs. As FateGoneAwry pointed out, your inability to spell “lying” gives it away that you are lying about your position as a former admissions officer at Princeton. Ironic isn’t it?</p>
<p>@JuliaKim - Yeah, I wrote a research paper about how Asians (and now sometimes even Whites) are sometimes discriminated against in college application processes. I’m a junior too, and we’ll be applying to a lot of the same schools - and I think this shows there are so many competitive applicants.</p>
<p>Hey, Fotogenik, I just took a look at your stats in another thread, we do have very similar stats (although yours are better with perfect ACT, GPA, and valedictorian!). Good luck! Hopefully, we can tackle the college application process together.</p>
<p>Also, this may be personal but if you don’t mind, may I read your research paper? :)</p>
<p>Let me just say that I AM an Asian, well, Asian-Canadian parent. My username is not supposed to be offensive. Stop raging.</p>
<p>JuliaKim, I think your stats are superb. Your GPA is a little low, but your near perfect SAT score and obviously rigorous courseload make up for that. Don’t let some wannabe trolling “Princeton admissions officer” tell you not to apply to these schools because you seem to have no life. As you said, I highly doubt Princeton would rather have you partying and smoking dope every weekend. I would say you have as good a chance as anybody applying to the schools you’ve listed. Just make sure to write awesome essays. Good luck, fellow junior!</p>
<p>@JuliaKim - you can read it, but it’s not that well-written (wrote it last year(?) and it was in letter form). It’s also more specifically referring to affirmative action than anything. PM me. (: </p>
<p>And yes, I do need a fellow Asian to tackle college apps together with. It shall be a long and tedious process.</p>
<p>I am 99.99% sure that Tryhards is a ■■■■■. :)</p>
<p>@SmugAsians: sorry for assuming you were also a ■■■■■. I was just a bit angry over Tryhard’s post and was afraid you were a ■■■■■ too. Would you think BU and Tuft are safe enough for me? If not, I’ll apply to a few more safeties nearby as I never heard of the schools you suggested previously.</p>
<p>@Fotogenik: It seems like I need 15 posts in order to message.</p>
<p>@JuliaKim, I know this question was directed at SmugAsians, but I thought I could help you out as well. If I can apply to BU as a match/safety, you can definitely as well. A 50% acceptance rate should not be a real problem. Tufts, however, should probably not be considered a safety. It’s definitely doable with your stats, but I would say that a school with a 20% acceptance rate is not really safe enough for anybody.</p>
<p>I suppose that they are, especially BU. I was a little confused at first that your college list seemed very prestigious, but I would consider those two “low matches” (basically safeties).</p>