Chance me for URI, UNC, USC?

I’m only going to be a junior in high school, but I’m already super excited for college and I’ve been looking a lot into colleges that I’m interested in. My top three favorites are the University of Rhode Island, University of South Carolina (Beaufort) and the University of North Carolina (both Chapel Hill and Wilmington). I’m also interested in Salve Regina, Costal Carolina U, Roger Williams, Providence College, Bryant, and Brown.

Intended major: Psychology or Marine Biology. I’d also probably be interested in photography, but I’ve been told that it’s slightly difficult to find colleges that offer that major.
Unweighted cumulative GPA on a scale of 4 (as of right now): 3.3
AP courses completed by the end of my senior year: AP psychology, AP English Lit, AP bio, AP spanish
Honors courses: Honors spanish (freshman year), Honors English (freshman and sophomore year), Honors chemistry (upcoming-junior year)
Academic/Art Awards: “Commitment to Spanish Studies”( sophomore year), “Outstanding Foreign Language Student in the Sophomore class”, “Outstanding Photography Student (out of all grades)”
SATs/ACTs: Haven’t taken them yet
Financial Background/Legacy: I’d say I come from a upper middle class family, my dad holds a high position in the NYPD and my mom also works. I’ve had two uncles go to UNC (one for law, one for marine biology), my mom went to Providence, and I have a cousin who’s starting at Brown in the fall.
Extracurriculars: Most likely joining both the Science and Art NHS this year, basketball, helping at the Special Ed department at the Middle School, Yearbook Committee, Multicultural Club, helping with basketball clinics, community service through my church, currently looking for a job, etc.
A little background: I’ve been ranked as being in the top 10% of students in my grade, and although my current GPA isn’t great, I’m looking to improve it as I’ve struggled with severe anxiety issues for the past few years that have a large impact on my attendance, which eventually impacts my grades. My best subjects are English, Spanish and Science. The electives I take at school mostly focus around writing, marine biology, and photography. I’ve been a part of the high school basketball team since 8th grade (I was pulled up to JV). I work really hard in school but I also balance that out with my social life.

I know it’s a bit early but I was super curious about what my chances may be to get into the schools I mentioned above! I’d also appreciate any suggestions as I still have 2 full years of high school to make changes/improve! Thanks :slight_smile: