Chance Me for USC, NYU, BU

<p>I've finished my sophomore year of HS, and I know it might be a tad early, but I want to get a head start of the competition. I am in a specialized Business Learning Center in my HS, which has been known to give previous students an advantage of sorts during application time. I've slacked a little in class, and has led to a slip in my GPA, but my PSAT scores, and probable SAT scores will hopefully make up for it.</p>

<p>UWGPA: 2.7
WGPA: 3.03</p>

<p>PSATs: 195 (63 CR, 69 M, 63 W)</p>

<p>I also have job experience to go along with many hours of community service, and have also participated in multiple extracurriculars, including clubs, and high school sports.</p>

<p>I'm very interested in Business, and would love to be able to get into any of these 3 universities' business schools (USC - Marshall, NYU - Stern, BU - School of Management).</p>

<p>I'll be taking 3 AP classes this upcoming school year, and plan to take 3-4, or possibly 5 senior year.</p>

<p>Any help or opinions regarding my chances for these 3 schools, or how I can raise my chances would be greatly appreciated!</p>

<p>Difficult course load… you’ve got a good shot at BU if you follow through on the APs. Try to get some leadership qualities (ie. President of clubs or something).
If you’re interested in Business, try to add some ECs that have to do with the field.
If you can get your GPA up over the next year and a half, as well as raise your SAT scores from the PSAT scores maybe 200 pts you’re looking good.</p>

<p>chance me back?
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thanks for the input Harvard5! Anyone else have an opinion?</p>


<p>The average gpa for students admitted to USC Is 3.8 unweighted. For BU the average gpa is an A-. For NYU it’s like a 3.6. You need to seriously raise your gpa if you want a chance an these schools. Sorry, I’m not trying to be negative, but I have to be realistic. Luckily, you’re still young, so work really hard in school and shoot for As.</p>

<p>You need straight As next year and a 2150-2200+ GPA next year to have any shot at USC. For NYU and BU you’ll need some pretty solid grades as well.</p>

<p>Also, your sophomore PSAT wont factor into admissions at all, and even your junior PSAT won’t really mean much. However, study hard for the SAT and shoot for a 2100+ for BU/NYU.</p>

<p>^^Thanks for the input guys. And Balling916, I know PSAT’s factor little into admissions, I am just using them to project possible SAT scores.</p>

<p>Anyone else have any thoughts?</p>

<p>If I may ask a question.
I’m kinda new to CC. So I wanted to know when someone on a chance thread talks about their unweighted gpa, are they talking about the year they’re in? Or like a cumulative average of all high school semesters?</p>

<p>I agree with balling916, your GPA is bringing you down. You need to raise that and go for leadership roles in your school.</p>

<p>you gotta get that gpa up! but you still have time, chance back?</p>