Chance me for VT Engineering?(In state female)

I am a female Asian from northern Virginia. I’m technically first generation but my father went to NYU Tandon for engineering.

I anticipate in doing electrical engineering.

GPA: 3.7
SAT: 1400
Math: 650
English: 750

I took AP world (10), AP psychology (11), AP lang(11), AP Chem (11 and doubled with physics which was not offered as an AP), AP Physics C (12), AP Calc AB(12), AP Gov(12), and AP Lit(12).

Could it hurt me that I stopped spanish in junior year after getting all three years?

Could it also hurt that I’m taking AB right now?

Any other schools worth applying with these stats?

I appreciate your time. Thank you.

Hi, I think you have a pretty good chance in getting in. I got in the early decision round and my stats aren’t too far off from yours. My gpa was 4.14 and 670 (math) 640 (reading). I don’t think they care if you stopped taking Spanish because they mainly look at the math and science courses you have taken. And no it wouldn’t hurt that you took calc ab in fact it will boost your chances. I took AB my junior year and still got in. Good luck!