Chance me for Washington & Lee

Race: Asian
Gender: Female
Hometown: New Jersey

ACT: 29 (32-E, 31-R, 29-M, 27-S, 10-W) I’m taking it one more time in April, hoping to get 30+
GPA: 4.1 weighted, honor roll
SAT II: I’m taking Math II & Bio in June, I hope to get 730+ in both
Course Load:
Freshman- Honors U.S. History B+, Honors English A-, Honors Algebra 2 B+, Honors Physics B+, Spanish II A, Geometry A-, electives A’s
Sophomore- Honors English II A, Honors U.S II A-, Honors Precalc B-, AP Physics A-, Honors Chem A-, Spanish III A+, electives A’s
Junior- AP Calc AB, AP Lang, AP Stats, Honors Spanish IV, Honors Bio, Honors World, electives
Senior- AP Calc BC, AP Lit, AP Microeconomics (independent study), AP Bio, Research in Microbiology, Virtual Enterprise, Teen Pep

Extra Circulars:
Varsity Field Hockey (playing hopefully @ WLU)- 4 years, captain, CVC honorable mention
President of Environmental Club- 3 years president, member 4 years
Student Council- 4 years, secretary as freshman (running for executive council this year)
Founder & Co-editor and chief of School’s newspaper- 2 years
World Language Honors Society- 2 years
National Honors Society- 2 years (running for a executive position)
Future Medical Leaders of America- 2 Years
Varsity Step Club- 2 years

Community Service:
Robert Wood Johnson- 2 hrs/week Nov-June for 3 years (180+ hours)
St. Lawrence Rehab Center- One summer, 40 hours
Trail Crew Maintenance- One summer, 6 hours
Special Olympics- One summer, 4 hours

Part time host- 4hrs/week year-round
Babysitter- 4hrs/week year-round

Hi can any of you chance me? WLU is my #1 dream school and i would love to go there. My problem is money so I need at least some part of the Johnson Scholarship. If it helps the field hockey coach said she would support my application. Also, I plan on applying ED I or Ed II. Please let me know where I stand!!

Your ACT score should be higher in order for you to be truly competitive for admission. The average score for W&L first-year students was a 32 for the class entering in September 2014.

Your course load appears rigorous, and your EC’s look strong, but don’t overestimate the value of a coach’s support. Applying ED can be helpful from an admissions standpoint, but if you are dependent on merit scholarship awards, ED will not allow you to compare offers from multiple schools. (W&L does meet full demonstrated financial need without loans. Have you determined your family’s EFC?)