Chance me for Wisconsin Madison

3.4 weighed
29 ACT
Varsity Sports
A lot of community service hours
scale me on: 1%-100%
Appreciate the help

What’s unweighted GPA?

State of residence?

Connecticut and 3.1 unweighted

Ouch- very low gpa for UW, especially with that ACT. UW only looks at the unweighted gpa. UW will see that you have underperformed compared to your ACT.

Refuse to scale- poor chances. Remember- academics always trump extracurriculars. It looks like you should have spent more of your time learning the material to get better grades compared to volunteering.

The only exception for such a low gpa is if your HS junior year grades were stellar and your gpa only low because of a slow start. You could have trouble handling the pace and workload of UW.

Thanks for the response. Just curious does a first generation student make a difference in the application process. As for your response, there is an upward trend my gpa started with a 2.7 freshman year, went to around a 3.15 sophmores and I finished junior with a 3.4.

If you did get admitted, is the $48k cost affordable for your family?

First gen would definitely help you, but the combination of low gpa and out of state might be hard to overcome. Unless you get athletically recruited or have an insanely good essay/application overall, your chances are slim :frowning: BUT the UW does admit holistically, and there are always some weird/unpredictable accepts/denies. Good luck.

Yes the cost isn’t a problem if I’m receiving a quality education.

That 3.4 junior year is still fairly low. No matter where you apply/get in to a college be sure to use your senior year to hone your study skills, time management and knowledge base. College will be a lot more demanding than HS even if it seems as though spending less time in the classroom will be easier. You need to be self directed and concentrate on academics first- before clubs et al.