What are my chances?

I am a high school junior with a gpa of 3.3 and an ACT of 21 on my first try 28 on my second try and 33 on my 3rd try. I have 100 volunteer hours. I have lots of community service. I play AAU basketball. I have taken many AP classes. I want to get into either the letters and science college or the business school.

Thank you

The 3.3 GPA is low for UW-Madison.

How did you improve from a 21 ACT to a 33 ACT?

Are you a Wisconsin resident or an underrepresented minority or socioeconomically disadvantaged?

You can apply but definitely have other schools you apply to. Your junior year unweighted gpa is the last one they see next fall- does it reflect three years of HS or is it significantly better? If much better that reflects better study habits and maturity so UW could look more favorably at your application. Notice- UW uses unweighted grades. You should be able to get more A’s than B’s even in AP and honors classes. You need to be able to handle a rigorous curriculum in HS to have the skills and knowledge base to succeed at UW.

Of course you have extracurricular activities- most college bound students do. But- the best students can maintain high grades as well as take time for other things. Many hours in ECs do not compensate for lower grades. UW, while having direct admits to some non L&S schools, admits to the university as a whole. Getting into UW does not depend on your proposed major. Your competition for spots includes all who apply, not just those with your interests.

Low gpa for all- instate or OOS. Even if a student who falls into certain categories such as above you need to be able to handle the work. If you do not get into UW-Madison you can start elsewhere and prove you are capable of doing the work, applying as a transfer student later. Or, you can be successful with a college degree from many other schools.

I am of indian and live in Minnesota

With your grammar (the added “of”) I suspect you mean from India. Not underrepresented then. Definitely check out your state schools and think about reciprocity for other WI state schools.

Are you a US citizen or have a green card? Do you need money to go to college?

I think UW is an excellent school for your list. However get a few schools on there that you know will take you and are affordable. Those are the most important schools on that list. Then add UW, UM maybe and others that are more selective.

I am indian and i was born in minnesota. I am a U.S. citizen.