Chance me? Freshman from OOS w/In state residency!

<p>GPA: 3.77 UW
Residency: Virginia w/WA residency (military USCG)
Race: Caucasian</p>

<p>5 APs, 5 other honors classes, 1 DE
- ACT: composite 29, math 25, reading 31, science 28, 10/12 writing</p>

<li>Winterguard/Fall Colorguard captain this yr, 3 years previous - placed 11th at nationals with the marching band (4th in class), Winterguard 1st place at most recent competition</li>
<li>(community service) Leo Club president (current), VP, Public Relations, 3 year intl. award for most active, only 18 clubs from the USA chosen</li>
<li>2 years of chorus, letter in chorus, member of top chorus. Music program w/most consecutive blue ribbons in the state.</li>
<li>4 years academic honor letter (3.85 GPA+ gets letter)</li>
<li>Acceptance to 2 Virginia Governor's Language Academies: Chinese and Japanese</li>
<li>8 yrs of piano</li>
<li>3rd grade teaching internship beginning this quarter</li>

<p>I wrote my essays on my experiences as a military brat and how it shaped me, and my personal statement about my passion for languages and the Startalk Chinese academy.
I'm looking for International Studies & Chinese double major.</p>

<h1>1 Caucasian is not a race, but I don’t want to give a history lesson on racism and Eugenics (shout out to GK Chesterton). Chances are you’re not one of the brown skinned, course haired asians from the Caucasus, but in case you are cheers, and you have my sympathies for the exploitation of your legacy.</h1>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<h1>2, by Washington State law they cannot discriminate against you based upon your race.</h1>

<h1>3, I’m no expert, but I’m certainly impressed by your submission. Sounds akin to or better than many of my classmates.</h1>

<p>GPA/ACT is okay, but your extra curriculars and essay should round it up nicely. Looks good to me.</p>

Excuse me for posting Caucasian. I managed to post that on about 3hrs of sleep and wasn’t thinking. Whoops…</p>

<p>I only added that because I’ve seen many other OPs add it. I don’t really think it matters either. I appreciate the delivery of your friendly and warm comment. :)</p>

<p>You’re welcome!! Once again, I think that sounds like a winning submission, especially since you’ve already been working towards your future major/career and you seem like you’d arrive on campus prepared to do what needed to be done to succeed. From what I’ve been hearing around campus lately, UW is really focused on people who know what they want to do and don’t wanna just hang out and take classes while they find themselves.</p>

I take it you’re already at Udub based on your location… how do you like it? I’m hoping, if I get in, that the environment isn’t too stuffy, but still focused on academics.
That’s why I opted for a West coast school (well, that and in-state tuition!)… UVA is notorious for its preppy and often snobbish attitude unfortunately.</p>

<p>Though the campus size is sort of looming over me… It’s a bit intimidating.</p>

<p>thanks again!</p>

<p>The campus seems huge at first, but after my first quarter there, it got a lot smaller. Of course, this would be a person to person experience. </p>

<p>Some of the intro courses are large, but those are mostly intro sciences (ie physics, bio, chem) and it seems like you don’t have to worry about those classes if you’re planning on an intl studies/chin double major.</p>

<p>Really? I saw some special on TV where a guy said he chose UVA because he could “…paint [his] chest and major in beer.”</p>

<p>UW is cool. I’ve heard rumors that there are Republicans on campus, but most of the people seem to either be run-of-the-mill slightly left-of-center people or libertarian Ron Paul sorts. I lie the weather and none of the buildings are too far apart, so when it rains really badly like today I just walk between buildings and keep pretty dry.</p>

<p>If there is something that I would complain about with UW, it is that sometimes the attitude isn’t very collegial. I prefer it when people aren’t cutthroat in some of their classes. So be careful in some of your beginning Gen-ED. Also, sometimes I feel like there are too many good looking women, it can be distracting.</p>

<p>Go to CLUE for study group and the various things to help based upon major. Also, learn to love giving High-5’s, people do that a lot around here.</p>

<p>I’d say you have an almost 100% chance of getting in.</p>


<p>haha…well… that much is true as well. The school is generally for the upper-middle class white kid, unfortunately. That’s not all true, but that’s the stigma it has. It’s also got the caliber of being a great school, though you have on one hand the massive amounts of partiers and the other a ton of academically minded.</p>

<p>I don’t have to worry about the women, as I’m a girl… :slight_smile: my username’s probably misleading. And that’s good to know. As far as cutthroat competition, I’ve gotten used to that at my high school. It gets tiring after awhile.</p>

<p>And the weather shouldn’t be a problem - I lived in Snoqualmie for about 4yrs before we were transferred. It’s getting used to it again that’ll be an issue… </p>

<p>thanks again!</p>

<p>Oh, I’d much rather be in Seattle than in Snoqualmie. No flash freezes and the rain isn’t as bad.</p>