Chance me: George Washington University ED II

Race: White
Gender: Male
Economic Status: Middle Class (125+)
State: South Carolina
School: Private College Preparatory School, #3 private school in the state
GPA: 4.55 W
AP/s Honors: AP US History, AP Microeconomics, AP Macroeconomics, AP Biology, AP Seminar, AP Language and Composition, AP European History, AP Government, AP Research, AP Literature, AP Physics, AP World History, Chemistry Honors, World Literature Honors, Algebra II Honors. (12 AP’s, 4 honors, can bring 26 credits to GW total) (AP Gov, and both AP Econs were taken with Laurel Springs Online Highschool)
College courses: Embry Riddle Space Flight 101 (Grade: A)
SAT/ACT: n/a
EC’s: Student Government as Vice President, Treasury Secretary, and class representative, High School theatre (8 shows in total), Assistant Teacher ( AP US History), Prefect, Quizbowl Captain, Philosophy Club President, Varsity Debate Team, Model U.N, Harvard Night Enrichment Courses, Prefect (Organizing community events and introducing new students and families to the school), working professionally with a local theatre group, part-time job at a local retail store.
Essay’s: How I would like to delve into the issue of civics education, how doing theatre both on and off stage has helped me develop important skills.

Intended Area of Studies: Political Science, Economics and/or Mechanical Engineering

Those are very impressive stats. You’re a strong match, for sure.

As far as your intended areas of study, that’s quite a variety, lol. If you think there’s a chance you want to do engineering you should reach-out to the SEAS at some point to feel it out a bit. I only say that because most engineering curriculums are credit-heavy and it’d be difficult to start after first semester (assuming you’d take intro classes to all three to gauge your interest).

Good luck!

Did you get in?

He hasn’t been active on this board since February so I don’t think he’ll respond.