<p>I am currently a rising senior and Georgia Tech is my first choice given that I wish to either major in Computer Science or Biomedical Engineering. I'm a girl and I live in-state. Currently, unweighted, my GPA is a 4.0 and I plan to graduate with 10 AP's (AP Calc AB & BC, AP Bio, AP Chem, AP Physics, AP Lit, AP Lang, APUSH, AP Computer Science, AP World). I have a superscore of 2000 (still waiting to get June results) and I initiated a service club at my school and raised $22,000 for a non-profit organization. I have interned over the summer with a medical center and an HIV/AIDS clinic each for over 50 hours, and I also have over 1,000 volunteer hours with other local organizations. What are my chances of being accepted into Ga Tech?</p>